View Full Version : How to live in spite of anxiety

25-08-16, 08:00
Hi all.
The time has come for me to get back to work. I have been told I have to learn to LIVE in spite of my anxiety before I can get the all clear to go back.
I have been doing better but still could use some helpful advise on how to do this. If I'm anxious about something it usually consumes me and therefore I can't concentrate on anything else. How do I learn to put the anxious thoughts aside and move forward?
I have had over a year of CBT and I don't seem to respond to it very well unfortunately. I have had 4 different therapists, 2 have been doctors of psychology.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

25-08-16, 20:29
"If I'm anxious about something it usually consumes me and therefore I can't concentrate on anything else. How do I learn to put the anxious thoughts aside and move forward?"

I usually look for reasons/a reason why it will be ok. Then I can usually put the worry down and leave it alone again.

Do that for each one and it's like navigating through your anxieties as you go and hopefully you can get back to work again :)

Develop that problem solving attitude.