View Full Version : so exausted please repond if u can xx

25-08-16, 09:52
went to urgent care sat as suffering palpatations and bp monitor kept flssjing irregular heartbeat ecg showed sinus rhythm rsr in v1 and v2 doc tried to reasure me it was ok my doc been concerned. about my heart rate to sent me to hospital yesterday ecg showed rsr in v1 and v2 qrs positive wandering at baseline in most leads doc tried to explain but when im anxious nothing goes in and iv been a mess since all my bloods came bk ok but im terrified what my ecg means I no they wouldnt of sent me home if I was in immediate danger but what about long term im terrified of sudden cardiac arrest plz help if u can

25-08-16, 09:55
Talk to your doc and ask what it means calmly. Write it down if necessary

Gary A
25-08-16, 09:56
White coat syndrome. Your heart rate is going up because you're anxious about the tests.

Trust me, doctors see this every day and they account for it when taking these readings.

25-08-16, 11:25
thank you for your replys it more the findings on ecg worrying me the hosp pulled up a old ecg i had rsr then but i didnt know i ringing gp later when he is on call hopefully he cann ease my worry

25-08-16, 11:35
If there had been the slightest chance of a heart attack, you wouldn't have been sent home. When you speak to your doc, take a deep breath and ask him to explain the findings - but you're ok, honestly x

25-08-16, 12:42
thanks hun it not really heart attack im worried about it like myocarditis or an electrical problem i know im probly over reacting well hope i am lol!

25-08-16, 14:29
i know im probly over reacting

Yeah, you are :) You know I have heart disease and have had heart attcks etc. They wouldn't have sent you home if there was a problem. Also, if there was the potential for issues, you would have been referred to a cardiologist for further testing.

Positive thoughts