View Full Version : starting to not feel as convinced.

25-08-16, 15:32
I think im on the road to recovery then I start to doubt its "just" anxiety.

right now im starting to think there must be something else wrong with me.

most days are: I wake up annoyingly early for no reason. heart pounds for a bit. butterflies in the stomach like im going to a job interview. struggle through my breakfast (complan toast tea since I dont really feel like eating). by about 1pm I have a cake and rice pudding. maybe some more toast. then I start to feel semi normal by 3pm ish. im ok ish till 8pm thrn I have another round of butterflies and nerves. eat my tea in stages (appetite isnt great and I dont want bloating).

I then sometimes feel almost normal before bed (except I get starving sometimes and have to snack). I get to sleep reasonably ok usually.

I also get randomly: heart pounds. dizziness. random stomach twinges (nothing bad just like I might need the loo soon). headaches ( again not bad).

im trying to keep busy and challenge myself but I cant really see much improvement yet so starting to doubt. id ask my therapist but thats a week away.

does this sound like anyone elses anxiety?

26-08-16, 14:32
same exact day again so far. is this really just anxiety?

god its doing my head in. not really improving im just doing some small tasks in the good bits of the day

26-08-16, 15:32
That its something normal for nxiety we also experience this kind of symptoms

26-08-16, 15:37
thanks for a reply. im really struggling with doubt today and thats when the anxiety gets worse.

anyone else who has days like this (well everyday in fact).

I was having some days where I felt fine in the evenings but that seems to have ended now too unfortunately. I dont get why I seem to be worse. im challenging the thoughts and trying distraction etc and doing tasks and stuff. not helping yet.. although longer terms I guess im not as house/bed bound anymore

26-08-16, 17:51
Hi there Skymaid, your mornings sound a lot like mine. I wake up too early (before the alarm) and soon the anxiety sets in, my chest can feel funny and I get the sinking feeling in my stomach. I returned to work a while back so I usually go through my routine of getting ready and then heading out. By lunchtime my stomach is usually better and by evening I am calmer on most days, maybe even a little hopeful or distracted at least. I fall asleep ok, but wake up a few times, then early and the day starts again.

You answered on my thread about work stress so yeah I'm a IT girl. Sometimes we get slow periods which allows my mind time to think and sometimes it gets very stressful. Love my job and the people, but the anxiety sucks with it.

I think the thing that gets me the most is all my negative thoughts about not getting better or thinking I will be stuck like this. We just have to keep on plugging on, this week my therapist has me trying to work on replacing negative thoughts with more rational or positive ones. To be honest it has been really hard. It's like the negative thoughts have become such a bad habit and my brain is resisting change like crazy.

26-08-16, 18:03
thanks for the reply. yeah maybe IT is the problem lol. shame I love the job so much.

sounds like youre a bit more recovered than me.. cant wait for my therapy to get going.

---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:59 ----------

haha yeah I noticed how positive I was in your thread just a few days ago. then a couple of days later im posting about doubts and no getting better.

funny how the mind works

27-08-16, 06:42
Yes its normal for anxiety to feel very strange and to make you weak and disapinted of life etc .I would sugest you to always find happy thoughts ,remain pozitivere be grateful etc .I know its not easy but anxiety and hapiness dont come in one place

29-08-16, 20:24
Hey, no problem. I hope IT is not a cause of anxiety because I love my job! But yeah, therapy has helped, in the beginning I was a mess - anxiety was through the roof and I was too anxious/afraid to even stay by myself for several months. Got past that and the worst of the anxiety. I do have good moments each day and some good days, I'm just not where I want to be yet.

I guess that's just something for us to remember, we aren't there "yet". This is a truly a journey, longer than we want usually, but just keep going and each day look for those positive moments. Try to focus more on those than the bad, it's not easy in the beginning but if you try and are consistent then a shift happens and anxiety starts to lessen.

30-08-16, 02:05
The symptoms of anxiety do a hell of a job tricking you into believing you have a much more serious illness. I suggest you check with your doctor to give you more confidence that you are healthy.

Have a look at the YouTube channel "self meets reality". It give's a lot of very real information and help with regards to the real nature of anxiety.

All the best