View Full Version : Lump found... wobble.

25-08-16, 16:37
OK... this may be tmi for some.. but I'm having a wobble.

Today I had a scan as I'm pregnant... they found a lump in my vagina... it's 2.7x2.1 cm diameter... I can feel it and have felt it for a couple of weeks... the gp said it was a bladder prolapse (wrong).

I have been referred to a gynaecologist to confirm if it is a cyst or whatever. I have a history of abnormal cervical cells and persistent hpv... I am very worried.

Today I should be happy as we found out one of the babies (it's twins) is a little girl... but I'm feeling just awful. :weep:

25-08-16, 18:32
Sorry that you had a dampener put in what should have been a happy appointment. It sounds like it could be something like a Bartholin's cyst, which are common in women of child-bearing age. They will just be referring you to gynae to check it out. I can understand you worrying though. Hopefully your appointment will come through quickly so you can get it over with and look forward to enjoying the rest of your pregnancy - congratulations by the way:)

25-08-16, 19:00
Thank you. I keep telling myself it's probably a cyst. Stupid brain keeps catastrophising everything!


25-08-16, 19:10
Sorry to hear this spacebunny. Hopefully it'll be a cyst or something. They are just following procedure.

It must be so stressful given you are also pregnant. I hope your pregnancy flies over and your babies bring you all the joy in the world.

25-08-16, 21:06
Thank you keekee. I'm really trying to stay positive and assume theres nothing wrong until proven otherwise. I find it really hard though as we've waited so long for these babies (lots of ivf) and I'm absolutely petrified that they'll find something wrong and I'll be forced to lose them and I absolutely cannot think of anything worse. Brain defo needs to get a grip.


25-08-16, 22:53
Congratulations!!!! Being pregnant is hard going on the emotions, even more so after ivf!!
Having IVF you are more likely to get cysts, try to bear it in mind. Also being pregnant you will get the best health care available, fingers crossed you will soon be told you have nothing to worry about, and you can enjoy growing your two beautiful babies x x x

26-08-16, 00:19
Sorry that you had a dampener put in what should have been a happy appointment. It sounds like it could be something like a Bartholin's cyst, which are common in women of child-bearing age.

You took the words out of my mouth, Darwin!

I was thinking Bartholin's cyst too!

spacebunnyx, firstly congratulations. Twins! That's lovely. I know it is hard not to worry, especially about lumps and stuff like that, but I also had a lump in my vagina and it turned out to be a Bartholin's cyst. I was told it would resolve on its own, and it did. I had a course of antibiotics to cover me afterwards.

Also, hormones can create havoc, and pregnancy may cause these kind of lump/cyst like things to occur, but please try not to worry too much. As said already, you will be hopefully well monitored now and kept an eye on re. this. xx:hugs:

26-08-16, 08:04
Dear smiles and debs,

Thank you so much for your kind words... I can't wait to relax and enjoy my pregnancy... actually until yesterday I was starting too. I did spend the first couple of months anxious I would lose them... and now this. But you're right, my body has been and is going through a lot. Chances are it's just some kind of response to that. Im lucky in that I have private health insurance through work so I have an appointment in a weeks time with a specialist. I also have an nhs appointment with my high risk pregnancy consultant next Thursday. The gynaecologist's secretary asked me to send the scan across.. if he is in any way concerned he will call me in sooner... which is good to know.

Thank you for the support on here. It doesn't help that my husband's away at the moment and I don't really want to share my worries on to anyone else as they are so happy for us.


26-08-16, 09:28
Please please let us know how you get on.... I love a happyending!!!! X x x

26-08-16, 09:41
Im lucky in that I have private health insurance through work so I have an appointment in a weeks time with a specialist. I also have an nhs appointment with my high risk pregnancy consultant next Thursday. The gynaecologist's secretary asked me to send the scan across.. if he is in any way concerned he will call me in sooner... which is good to know.

Oh that is really good, spacebunnyx.

I think that in situations like this, the private sector can frankly be the best way to go. The NHS does it's best, but when you want urgency, it just doesn't always cut it.

I had a lump in my neck a few years ago. I was seen quickly for the ultrasound in the NHS (it was a thyroid cyst) but I went to the private sector to resolve it, as the NHS wanted to surgically remove it, which was not necessary. I ended up having it drained with a syringe by a lovely Endocrine Consultant.

It all sounds good here to me. You are being seen promptly by the NHS, but have the extra cover of the private sector. I think for some peace of mind - as the last thing you need is stress right now - it is a good thing. xxx:yesyes::hugs:

26-08-16, 12:19
Thank you both. I sent through a copy of my scan yesterday... and his secretary sent a message asking of I would come in on Wednesday rather than Friday.... he only runs a clinic on Fridays normally. Must not be anxious.


28-08-16, 08:27
4 days until my consultation. I'm not in a very good place... I feel I'm detaching from my little ones... and when I do think about them I start crying. I'm not sure what to do with myself... I wish there was a support place I could go to anonymously... or that I could be knocked out until Wednesday. Feeling especially hard as it's a bank holiday, husband has been away and don't want to really tell anyone about this. I can feel the lump down below... especially after I have been for a wee.. if I couldn't feel it it would be easier to ignore I guess.

I've spent most of yesterday googling stats... not at all healthy. I find it reassuring to do this. .. but I know it's not good for my mental health. I'm scared I have some kind of vaginal cancer.. Statistically for my age group that's 0.3/100000 or 1/333000... pretty unlikely... that's like me being picked out of 3 packed wembley stadiums... or the entire population of Iceland or the London Borough of Bromley (I know I have a data ocd problem!)

Any suggestions of what I can do that's healthier? Little things and ideas would be helpful... thank you.


28-08-16, 08:45
I'm really sorry you're feeling this way spacebunny. It must be horrible.

I really don't know what to say to take your mind off this I just didn't want to read and run.

I really hope time flies for you. I would suggest perhaps a book or something but I know that it would be very hard to concentrate given your worry.

If your ultrasound showed anything dodgy, I highly doubt they would have you wait until Wednesday. A relative of mine had breast cancer last year and they didn't need to wait for any results they were told there and then.

28-08-16, 09:23
I know the wait is horrible. Maybe try just getting involved with your little ones. Every time your mind wanders, gently bring it back to playing with them. Also make a little time for yourself for a little relaxation. Do you have friends or family you could be with for a little break. Sometimes when I'm having a laugh and a chat, I can forget for a little while. Also you can post on here for moral support.

Oops, sorry I misread your post, I thought you already had other children, just realised you were talking about your twin pregnancy. Anyway, take the time to look after yourself, I'm sure everything will be ok, the odds are all on your side.

28-08-16, 09:29
Ok, IVF - You must have undergone quite a lot of invasive procedures I guess? What I'm trying to say is that if there were anything wrong vaginally, it would absolutely been spotted - so stop Googling! The other thing is that cancer does not suddenly appear overnight, even fast growing tumours. It always starts, and continues with an abnormal change in cells - that's how all cancers work, lumps, bumps and nodes don't suddenly appear within a week.

Please, please - there are always horror stories out there. But there are so many more successes, who know about the in and outs of how cancer presents itself.

Try not to stress (your babies won't like it!) and concentrate on enjoying your pregnancy. Oh, and the Weds appt? Maybe he had a cancellation and knows how nervous you are! xx

28-08-16, 09:40
You have waited so long for this pregnancy and now you are anticipating the very worst as you can't believe that you may actually achieve your dream and meet your much longed for babies...Something has to go wrong?

I'm sure it won't as you have been monitored so closely and all your medical team will be working towards you achieving this dream. Anything remotely sinister would have been picked up along the way and you certainly wouldn't have been put on hold until Weds. Your consultant knows how anxious you are.

Try to keep as calm as you can for your babies? As others have said there is probably a straightforward or hormone related explanation for this and you don't want to jinx your blood pressure. Anything sinister and you would be dealt with immediately-you and your precious babies are in expert hands xx

28-08-16, 10:29
Actually, I don't think there's anything wrong with focusing on statistics. Those ones you posted upthread show that the odds are really, really in your favour that nothing serious is wrong. Also, there are lots of explanations as to why you've been asked to come in on Wednesday instead of Friday. Sometimes, consultants have to finish early due to meetings etc, and try to juggle patients round to attend at other times. It's quite likely (being holiday season!) he's taken annual leave recently too, so maybe they have scheduled an extra clinic so they don't fall behind. Perhaps he is covering a Wednesday clinic usually run by another consultant and has seen there is space to fit you in there. One of my children has a lot of clinic appointments and I have often been phoned up to see if I can come in earlier or later than the original appointment due to staffing issues etc.

Having said all that, if this was me, I'd be finding it hard to do any rationalising too, so I completely get where you are coming from. I was once referred to a clinic for a post childbirth problem, and when the letter came through, they had scheduled the appointment in the hospital's specialist cancer unit. I went out of my mind, and after getting through to a colleague who worked there, she explained matter of factly, that sometimes they use the clinic rooms for routine appointments. Honestly, my heart rate had been through the roof!

28-08-16, 11:38
Blimey! you would have thought they could have explained that in the letter, Darwin! I would have thought that even the calmest of patients could have wobbled with that one?

We do always think the worst though when there is a simple/routine explanation.

28-08-16, 16:26
Yup, I was literally shaking when I read that, pulisa. All manner of scenarios went through my head, like maybe my GP expected cancer but hadn't wanted to tell me so just referred me to the unit instead! I lost any sense of logic...

28-08-16, 17:29
as you do...:D

31-08-16, 11:19
Thank you so much for the replies Darwin, pulisa and mercime. I'm trying to be rational but when you know you have a lump in an unusual place all sorts of thoughts rush through your mind. I've been trying to distract myself and stay positive but it's very very hard. Especially being pregnant. I've been figuring out what I will do with every possible eventually.. and it's been keeping me awake at night :weep:

Anyway, my appointment is at 6pm. So not too long until I hopefully get some answers.

Thanks again xxx

31-08-16, 12:49
It's horrible when you have to wait like this. Please let us know what the Consultant says xx

31-08-16, 15:08
Will be thinking of you at 6pm and wish you all the best. Keep thinking of the statistics!

Captain irrational
31-08-16, 17:57
Fingers crossed for positive news.

31-08-16, 20:17
Thank you! Gynae Dr says he's pretty sure it's a cyst albeit a large one and in a funny place. I have to return in a month for another scan to see if it has grown.... no doubt I will be anxious by then again! But trust this dr as he is a gynae oncologist. Thank you so so much for the support on here. It's been amazing to know I'm not alone (not the kind of thing you can really chat about!)


31-08-16, 20:33
So glad you got reassuring news:)Hopefully you'll be able to relax a bit and enjoy your pregnancy

31-08-16, 20:34
I don't think a gynae oncologist would tell you to come back in a month if there were any urgent concern but I know you will want a definitive diagnosis asap..Funny things happen in pregnancy but the main thing is that you and your babies are in expert hands so I would trust whatever your Man says! xx

31-08-16, 21:16
That's great to hear spacebunny

01-09-16, 00:44
:yesyes: Whoop Whoop!!! Thats great news, there is no way at all you would be left a month if she/he had even the tinyist doubt that it was anything else. i really hope you can begin to enjoy your pregnancy now

05-09-16, 09:13
Thank you Darwin, smiles, pulisa and keekee.

So I was doing ok for a few days and now am worried again. I don't feel comfortable waiting a month to find out if the cyst has grown or not... especially when the first scan wasn't done by an inexperienced sonographer for that kind of thing (there were errors in her report.. like she said the cyst was posterior when it's anterior). My symptoms are pretty constant now and really worrying me... if I couldn't feel the lump all the time I could just ignore it but I can't ��

05-09-16, 11:51
Why not ring up his secretary and explain just how anxious you are feeling? I'm sure there will be a convenient time to speak to him during the days to come. Would you be reassured and happy to wait a month if he still decided that this would be the best plan?

05-09-16, 20:37
Hello lovely, just wondered how you are doing? Have you had a chat to your midwife? I remember how fantastic mine were when I was pregnant, also they can access all your medical notes and give you extra reassurance that everything will be ok.
Please try not to google, it is full of doom and gloom, people never post things like " I thought I had cancer but it was a hernia"! Or "I thought I had a breast lump, but it turned out to be a smartie" ( yes to my shame that was me) !! Being pregnant is such a special time, it saddens me that you are suffering with HA at the moment.
Sending love and happy thoughts x

06-09-16, 03:09
slightly off-topic but congratulations on twins! i have two four-year-old twin girls and they are just the light(s) of my life, such a lovely, rewarding experience (although tough for the first little while, as you'd expect). i'm sure you, and they, will be fine. :) :)

18-09-16, 17:49
Hi everyone,

I was avoiding online for a while and feeling ok so didn't see these posts. Thank you so much for your kind words.

I'm now 16 weeks and starting to feel little kicks ��

I now have my followup ultrasound of my cyst by a specialist to check for growth and confirm it's a cyst... have to say I'm feeling a bit anxious about it all again as the day comes closer. I hope it's a lovely ultrasound and she confirms it's a cyst and I can without doubt move on.


21-09-16, 14:10
I have been getting more and more anxious as the repeat scan day approaches. I have been getting "discomfort" and pee issues down there which although I know is probably related to the babies... my brain is thinking the worst.

Yesterday I was on the maternity assessment unit where they looked at my lump... they said it's probably a cyst... but nobody will remove or biopsy it which I'm finding hard to deal with.

My repeat scan is on Friday morning (the day after tomorrow) and I have a follow-up with the consultant on Saturday.

So far I have had:

- 1 GP say it's probably a cyst
- 1 obstetrician say it's probably a cyst
- 1 gynae oncologist consultant say it's a cyst
- 1 sonographer say it's looks benign
- 1 consultant gynaecologist scan and look at it and say it's a gartner duct cyst
- 1 registrar dr specialising in gynae oncology say it's a cyst

Despite all this reassurance I can't help but think they are wrong and they see me as a 35 year old pregnant woman with which nothing can go wrong and kind of almost make the decision before examining me. I'm sleeping badly and eating badly again and just want Friday's scan to come around. The sonographer there is a specialist oncology sonographer so I know they know what they are looking at. For me, what's freaking me out is the size of this thing (3 cm), the fact that it feels fairly hard (but the Dr's say it's compressible) and fixed. On ultrasound it looks like a smooth oval shape and easily distinguishable from the surrounding tissue. Urgh. Roll on Friday. Xxx

29-08-17, 09:01
Hi just wanted to update incase anyone was in a similar position. Cyst was removed 3 months after I gave birth - large (4x4x3cm) totally benign. Just one of those weird things.
