View Full Version : Here goes, I'm coming off Cit after 4 years so will do a daily update of how it goes!

25-08-16, 21:25
I'm doing this under a GP properly this time as had a go before by going cold turkey, Big no no!

I'll post updates every few days so people who are thinking of weaning off get to see how it goes and maybe will be able to relate.

Day one is on and feel ok no notable changes so hope it stays this way.:yesyes:

25-08-16, 22:48
Good luck!

25-08-16, 23:25
Oh good luck and keep us posted. X

26-08-16, 00:11
Wishing you the best of luck :hugs:

26-08-16, 01:46
Hope it goes smoothly :)

26-08-16, 03:06
I'm coming off Sertraline 100mg after 10 years starting today. Have taken 25mg less, so we will be in the same boat I guess. Good luck for a smooth taper. Tracy

28-08-16, 12:25
Having a slight wobble day today but had a pretty decent week. It's a miss day today and I'm tempted to take a tablet but gonna ride it out. Slight anxiety and a bit of DP but gonna keep busy and keep focused.

---------- Post added at 12:25 ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 ----------

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

28-08-16, 13:35
What type of taper have you been doing? Good for you with getting through, it's normal to have wobbles here and there.

29-08-16, 12:02
Hiya I'm following the GP's advice of hit day and miss day then after 2 weeks I have to go back and see him to assess. Feeling ok today to be fair but had a tablet this AM, I've also found a herb called rhodiolia which seems to have a calming effect when taken on my miss day so gonna stick with that.

29-08-16, 12:16
I successfully come off antidepressants after almost 6 years. You can do this!

I do feel really depressed off them but that's due to my situation in my opinion not the fact I'm now med free.

Good luck

30-08-16, 18:16
Hi KeeKee

Interesting. Dont you think that the drugs would give you a boost in serotonin which would make you feel much less depressed and able to cope better?
I have been questioning this myself hence my interest. Did they not make you feel better at all?



30-08-16, 19:10
Hi KeeKee

Interesting. Dont you think that the drugs would give you a boost in serotonin which would make you feel much less depressed and able to cope better?
I have been questioning this myself hence my interest. Did they not make you feel better at all?



They did make me feel less depressed, but at the expense of my personality and enjoyment. I'd rather feel hideously low like I do now, but laugh, watch TV etc. On antidepressants I felt like a zombie. I was also perpetually tired, I didn't get any days where I had energy, I was in bed 11 hours etc, whereas now it's more like 9.

I also gained a lot of weight on them which was horrible as I have severe self esteem issues and was always a rake until I took antidepressants. It's just not worth it (for me).

30-08-16, 19:19
Ok thanks KeeKee. I hope you start to feel better at some point.

06-09-16, 17:34
Wow what a day had terrible anxiety all day but fought the demon and won as wanted to leave work from the second I got there. I've got a good set of lads working with me who are mega and help me as much as possible.

KeeKee thanks for the positive comments I know what you mean about loss of personality and living a life on a straight line with no bumps that's my main reason for coming off these meds.

No ups or no downs it's like being a robot so I'm willing to take the rough with the smooth just to feel human again.

Hope everyone else is well.

07-09-16, 05:57
Hi Mick...Sounds like the taper is going well even though you had an anxious day today. It's great that you have got supportive work mates, it makes it that bit easier to keep going. Have you had any other symptoms of withdrawal, or just the anxiety. Good on for fighting on and hope the rest of the taper goes well for you. Tracy