View Full Version : Unsettling dreams and scared about my future for some reason. Help!

worried 101
26-08-16, 11:25
Hi everyone.
Just wondering if people can give me some advice about how to get out of a panic/anxiety episode.
I had a horrible dream about how I broke up from my husband and was really excited as I was going to university. Random I know but when I woke up I felt really sad and panicked that I had left my husband and didn't seem to mind. I know that is only a dream but my anxious intrusive thoughts went haywire and started to make me think "what if we shouldn't be married". I'm very happy with my husband so I don't really know what started this dream. I'm on my last day of my holiday which I had been very anxious about (always have been about holidays) but had a really nice time but today I feel really crap. I think I've been so focused on getting through the holiday I've lost focus on what will happen after.
Feel like my life is lacking focus, I've got married and have 2 lovely step children, I have an ok job and good friends but I have this feeling of something really bad happening when I go home. Feeling so panicked it's horrible. Just wondering if anyone can relate or have any advice to help me out?

26-08-16, 15:46
I will tell you to calm down and to say you that in dream its the other way for example if you dream that you broke up from your boyfriend means that your boyfriends loves you