View Full Version : New freckle fear!!!

26-08-16, 12:24
I am not a freckly person at all but I recently have just found a new freckle on my arms and i dont recall seeing it months ago. Is a new freckle signalling something? Does that mean there are DNA damages to some pigment cells or whatever thats causing this? Does that mean i now have a higher chance of getting skin cancer and does that mean it is a melanoma?

i know i can find all these answers on google, but i promised myself i WONT do that!

thanks in advance x

26-08-16, 17:00
It almost certainly isn't melanoma. It's common to grow new freckles. But freckles are almost never harmful. It isn't an indicator of anything other than your membership of the human species.

26-08-16, 17:09
ah okay thank you.. i wasnt originally that concerned but i've seen a couple or should i say quite a lot of people freak out over a freckle so it makes me very anxious.. hopeully its not something serious x

26-08-16, 17:15
Yeah, it's a vexed question - how to keep an eye on things without living in permanent fear. Most things that appear on your skin are harmless, and the nasty things sure as hell look it most of the time.

If you notice anything that really doesn't look right or that is quite clearly changing, it's best to get it checked. But don't spend all your time worrying about this.