View Full Version : Could this be oral cancer?

26-08-16, 17:01
Hello everyone!

So I'm a 14 year old boy. About 5-6 weeks ago I found a lump on the roof of my mouth and I didn't really care about it. A few weeks after that happened I started having some trouble swallowing, not with food or drinks though. I googled about it and found links to oral cancer. After reading of what usually caused it I was still calm which I still am. I've never smoked or been drinking or anything like that which would be pretty stupid at my age. Around 3 weeks ago, lump and trouble swallowing still there, my throat started hurting randomly. Not just like having a soar throat but it was like a nearly constant pain around my adam's apple. That lasted for about a week and then it went away and now it returned a week ago but it doesn't hurt as much.

I was to a doctor before my throat started hurting and she looked at my throat and felt if something was swollen but she couldn't find anything. Keep in mind, that was before kt started hurting. She also looked at the lump, well troed to. She couldn't see it but it's definitely there. She found that I had some red spots on my mouth roof though. She told me it could just be some virus infection and that I should get it checked again if it gets worse.

About the lump, it feels like it changes size all the time. In the morning it can be pretty small and then a few hours later it's a bit bigger. I still have some trouble swallowing, well, it's not really hard but I just have to really push it down.

I'm not all too worried about it thinking about my age and everything, I just wanted your view on this. Should I get it checked again even if it doesn't really get worse? Even if the light pain in the throat goes away again?

Thanks! :)

EDIT: Should add that my hears have also been hurting a bit from time to time. I've not had a fever during these weeks but I have had a cold for about a week now.

26-08-16, 18:16
I'm not all too worried about it thinking about my age and everything,


Positive thoughts

26-08-16, 19:52

Positive thoughts
So I guess I'll just let it be and hope it goes away soon. There's no reason to get it checked immediately unless it gets worse, right?

26-08-16, 20:01
So I guess I'll just let it be and hope it goes away soon. There's no reason to get it checked immediately unless it gets worse, right?

You've already been to a doctor that saw nothing of consequence but yes, if it gets worse, a visit may be in order. One more thing... check this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Throat_tighteningChokingSwallowing_proble ms) out....

Positive thoughts

26-08-16, 20:54
I guess that could be it, although I haven't been worrying about this very much. I'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.

Thanks :)

29-08-16, 00:28
Just noticed a yellow patch in my mouth. Basically everything I'm experiencing is pointing to oral cancer according to Dr. Google. I know I shouldn't wprry too much about what google says but I'm getting a bit worried now. Should I get this checked immediately? Can't really find anything else while googling which could be causing all of this.

29-08-16, 00:33
I'm a Stage IV oral cancer survivor. Putting aside the fact you're 14 and OC is unheard of at your age, what you describe is not typical of OC.

Positive thoughts

30-08-16, 22:28
I'm a Stage IV oral cancer survivor. Putting aside the fact you're 14 and OC is unheard of at your age, what you describe is not typical of OC.

Positive thoughts

Alrigjt, I'm not worried anymore but I'm just wondering about this now. What would be typical symptoms of OC? As I said in my previous post nearly all of these things I've had have been symptoms of OC according to numerous sites. Is it not very likely to experience so many of them under such a short timespan? Just genuinely curious.

10-09-16, 01:04
I believe the lump has grown a bit for the past few weeks, it sure feels like it at least. My throat doesn't hurt at all though, the only things are the lump and trouble swallowing. Time to get it checked again or nothing to worry about?