View Full Version : Self harming again

24-03-07, 14:40
I should have known it would happen. My CPN saw me Wednesday and was pleased with how well I was doing even though I told her I didn't feel well...my GP saw me yesterday and said I was stabalising weven though I told her I wasn't and today I self harmed again. It's getting worse now instead of just hitting (I say just but I actually gave myself a concussion) I am cutting now too. It was all sparked off by the fact I applied for equipment from Access To Work and they refused to pay for all of it so now I'm out of pocket. Cue frustration which led to rage which led to self harm.

24-03-07, 16:19
Panicky Polly hugs - get back to your Dr's on Monday even if you have to sit in the surgery all morning. Or phone the CPN if they will see you Monday.

Frustration is hard to deal with and we all show it in different ways so don't be too hard on yourself. You are not going backwards - you are just recognising where you need to work out strategies of coping e.g. when you get frustrated. That will come in time.

Try to have a calm relaxining weekend - what are you up to? Anything good?

24-03-07, 17:08
when u feel like this i always found griping an ice cube helps my gp told me to do that and it seemed to work ok

24-03-07, 17:50
dont worry. :)

you need to get back to the doctors/CPN as soon as....tell them exactly how you feel and keep telling them untill they listen.

remember, your not going backwards, you have shown that by coming on here, admitting you have a problem. :)

when you feel frustrated/want to self harm again, just relax and take slow deep breaths, think of a good time you had, and remember it in detail, keep youself busy to take you mind off it.

if you ever need to talk then just PM me because i understand exactly what your going through, even though im only 13 lol! - but i self harm too.

chin up! :)

xxxkelxx :hugs:

24-03-07, 22:07
:hugs: Take care
Please, don't go any deeper or do any more than you have to. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how addictive it can be.

It's good that you can see the sequence of steps and emotions that led you your self harm.

I'm not very good at saying what I want to, so sorry if this came out a bit wrong.
I'm sorry that you feel you have no option other than to do that to yourself, but I do know what it's like.

Take care:hugs:

25-03-07, 14:51
Hello Polly

It really is important that you make contact with your GP and or CPN asap - preferably an appointment on Monday. I do think it is a step forward that you could see your motivation for your actions - understanding why is half way there!!

The tip with the ice cube is a really good idea - hopefully you won't need it if you're having a better day, but go and fill the ice tray now just in case.

Do take care - and be proud of how far you've come, not the little blip - we all have hiccoughs every now and then!!!

Take care
