View Full Version : Thorn in finger (removed) worried about tetanus or infection

26-08-16, 21:57

I was gardening today and pruning some shrubs and a thorn pieced my gloves and stuck quite deep into my finger. I did manage to pull the thorn out of my finger. It was about 6-7mm in length. When I got home I poked about with a sterilised needle and could not get any dirt out. It looked as if there was dirt or something there but I know I got the whole thorn out. There seemed to be a black dot like a hole.

I am just worried in case it will get infected due to there being any dirt in my finger or if I will get tetanus. I am sure all of my inoculations are up to date as I had one before I left school when I was 16 (about 23 years ago). I did wash it well and then I did put on some germaline antiseptic clear cream.

I am worrying quite badly at the moment. My mind is telling me that it will get infected and I will have to go to the doctors or hospital and have treatment. I have a fear of both doctors and hospitals and that is making it worse :(

I know I am probably worrying over nothing but that is the way I am sorry :(

26-08-16, 22:01
I do this all the time. Put some Savlon or similar cream on it and a plaster for a while :)

26-08-16, 22:03
I have pricked myself many times while gardening and had to pull thorns out of fingers and feet and never had any problems.

Just make sure you keep it clean and stop poking it with needles and it will be fine. no problems whatsoever

26-08-16, 22:11
Thanks all for your posts. It is reassuring :hugs:

I will keep you updated on the progress of this. I am sure it will be ok.

26-08-16, 22:54
My dad was a landscape gardener for over 30 years employed and still does jobs now retired. He always said he would have thorns and scratches every week all up his arms and it was just part of the job to them.

He never had any issues.

27-08-16, 14:05
I did this earlier this week.. prodded it with a needle...and covered it in germoline... all fine... not dead!

10-09-16, 13:57
As promised a thorn in the finger (removed (the thorn that is not the finger)) update!

I am pleased to say after 14 days that it has now nearly completely cleared up. I was painful for a few days after and it did not look very good and it looked all red but I think that was because it was starting to heal.

Thanks all for your support :) and I hope this will help someone else out who may have the unfortunate mishap of getting a thorn in there finger.