View Full Version : Mouth cancer

27-08-16, 01:36
First of all, I should state that I have severe health anxiety but specifically cancer related. I'm convinced I'm going to get cancer or that I might even already have it and even saying the word is a trigger for me.

So I hate going to the dentist. Ever since I can remember, I've been a cheek biter. Not a once in a while thing, it's a compulsion. It's called dermatillomania which is an obsessive compulsive skin picking disorder (I don't just bite the skin on my cheeks, I bite it around my nails, I pick spots, scabs, dry skin, any kind of skin imperfection) I can't stop myself from doing it because it physically drives me insane knowing there's loose skin hanging off my cheek (sorry, gross I know) anyway when I was younger, the dentist told me you can get mouth cancer from cheek biting due to the constant cell growth that can encourage mutations. So I didn't go back to the dentist for about 10 years.

Then I cracked a tooth and was in so much pain that I had to go. Weirdly the dentist I had didn't mention my cheeks but I got the crack filled. A few weeks ago I started getting pain and sensitivity in that same tooth. I bit the bullet and went back and had a different dentist. She said the tooth had an infection, gave me antibiotics and told he to come back for a check up. I did and she was poking and prodding and then she said she wanted to check the skin inside my mouth was healthy. She seemed very shocked by the state of my cheeks and actually said "your cheeks are a mess" and wrote down on her notes that I have severe cheek biting injuries. Then she said what I was dreading. That cheek biting can cause cancer.

Now I'm panicking. I've been doing it for so long and I didn't want to hear it the first time but now another dentist is telling me the same, I'm scared. What if the damage is already done? I'm 27 and been doing this since I was very young. I'm trying to convince myself that if she had been concerned there was anything malicious there such as a lump or weird looking changes, she would have suggested a biopsy or a better look at least. But I'm still freaking out. I don't know how to stop. She suggested a bite guard but that's for nightwear and I mainly bite during the day. Sometimes I don't even realise I'm doing it. It's hard to describe but it's like when you have an itch, you leave it and it just continues to itch and eventually it drives you so mad you just have to scratch it. Has anyone else got a similar habit? If so, were you able to stop and if so, how? I'm hoping that there's still time for me to reverse the damage I've already done.

27-08-16, 01:51
Bless you.
First of all biting your cheek cannot cause cancer, your dentist should be ashamed of themselves.
There is plenty of research out there to back up this fact.

I did attempt to post you a link, but I'm new here so not allowed to yet sorry.

I am a cheek biter too, that's not why I joined this group, but I have done it since being a child a long long time ago. It can hurt from time to time and I would assume can cause infection, but not cancer.

I really hope this puts your mind at rest a little.

27-08-16, 10:20
Thank you for your reply :)

I've read on the Internet (as in constantly googling things about cancer) that there's no real evidence to support the fact cheek biting can give you cancer. For a few years after I read that I felt a little more relaxed but then I started to worry again and for the dentist to then tell me it's possible (she said it's very rare but it can happen) it's just made me panic again. Just because obviously that's now two dentists that have told me the same thing.

If it isn't harmful, do you think there's a reason they try and scare you like that? I'm still going to try my best to stop, or at least cut down, because I do overdo it most of the time and end up sore!

27-08-16, 11:20
Hi if you are really unsure you need to speak to your dentist and ask for proof of this link to possible cancer. but seriously have you tried gentle chewing excersises with out biting anything in your mouth?
Or even chewing gum could help as you could bite on that a bit like a stress ball in your hand!! Good luck and hope you get control back real soon :)

27-08-16, 11:26
My stupid dentist said the same thing to me. I have a dodgy bite, I have bite marks all along my tongue and cheek. I can't wear my guard as it makes me vomit.

He told me that my chances are very high of oral cancer then.

I went to google, I came across an OC support site and there were lots of links with very good scientific research to prove that there is no proof at all that cheek biting can lead to cancer.

I think they believe it is true. They were probably taught that before more evidence came out that it wasn't true and maybe being old school haven't bothered reading up on recent studies or something.

27-08-16, 13:18
There was a thread on this issue a couple of years ago. Someone posted a link to a very reassuring article

Captain irrational
27-08-16, 15:19
My stupid dentist said the same thing to me. I have a dodgy bite, I have bite marks all along my tongue and cheek. I can't wear my guard as it makes me vomit.

He told me that my chances are very high of oral cancer then.

And I'm sure he could offer you some very expensive dental work to correct the problem. :rolleyes:

I had a dentist once who constatly tried to convince me to get braces because I have a couple of slightly crooked teeth (barely even noticable), which would have set me a back several thousand pounds. He said if I don't it might cause "problems" further down the line. He of course didn't elaborate on what these "problems" might be and upon a little research I find there is no evidence whatsoever that suggests having a few crooked teeth poses any kind of health risk.

chatty girl
27-08-16, 20:33
I totally understand your fear of cancer, I'm exactly the same as you. Currently convinced I have bowel cancer, its terrible. As for your fear at the moment I agree your dentist should have a good talking too, try not to worry too much.


28-08-16, 03:44
Here's the deal. I'm a Stage IV oral cancer survivor. Continued trauma to your cheeks from biting etc. can lead to lesions that are more prone to cancer. It's very rare but it is a possibility.

I think it's spot on to scare the poo out of you and inspire you to break a bad habit. Regardless of the minimal risks, it's a habit worth breaking.

Positive thoughts

28-08-16, 07:10
You're dentist is a quack. Cancer is caused by mutated cells. Biting flesh doesn't cause cell mutation.

The only thing you need to be worried about is finding a new dentist.

I've dealt with a lot of quack dentist in my life. I think they are more careless than other medical professionals because they less likely to kill someone than an actually gp.

28-08-16, 23:27
Thank you all so much for your replies. I'm guessing there's some roundabout way that cheek biting can cause cancer but maybe not exclusively? I am still fully convinced and I really want to stop though. I've tried gum but I just bite when I'm not chewing gum. Any second where I'm not distracted and even sometimes where I am. My dentist did say it was very rare but obviously it's not completely impossible. I was going to go to the doctors and see if they could do anything about my obsessive skin picking but I don't really think cbt or anything would help :/