View Full Version : Doubting my Recovery: fear of pain in legs

expecto patronum
24-03-07, 15:09
If anyone can help me I'd be very grateful. I thought that symptoms didn't scare me like they used to, and yet for the past two days my legs have been aching with occasional twinging pains and I've been freaking out. The pains aren't even that bad and I know if I just don't overreact they'll probably go, and yet there's a voice in the back of my head saying "ah, but what if this is the start of Chronic Pain Syndrome and you end up with crippling pain that you can't get rid of, it would ruin your life and you'd never get better"
I haven't been on here since November, I v'e been feeling so much better that I haven't felt the need. That's why its so scary to feel like this again, I thought I was better and now I realise I'm not. I thought I was finished with feeling like my mind and my body are scary places to be and not my own.
Its only been the last few weeks and I know what has caused it; when I started to feel so much better in November (I had started having constant dizziness in April and for many months it destroyed my life) I moved out of home into a rented share house. Things were slowly but surely getting better, the dizziness bothered me less and less, and my fear of getting new symptoms, though it bothered me occasionnally, seemed to gradually lessen. The happier I felt, the stronger I felt against the Fear. But a few weeks ago I moved back home. The thing is its only temporary, and I don't mind it that much, and yet I feel depression and anxiety about symptoms much harder to fend off now, I feel weaker again and I'm scared. Its like I've started to try to walk without crutches only to discover that my legs aren't really healed (methaphorically). Has anyone had a similar 'relapse' but overcome it?

26-03-07, 14:24
i get all kinds of weird pains, you're not alone ._.

i think it stems from muscle tension and things coupled with kinda... thinking them to be there.

i have had pains in my hands, left arm, legs, feet, headaches... most places actually lol it also exaggerates pains that would be there anyway. I put most things down to anxiety and just think "it will go when my anxiety goes".

i'm afraid i can't give too much advice on overcoming it as i have it too but don't worry i'm sure neither of our problems will turn into anything big :)

expecto patronum
26-03-07, 15:44
Thanks for that. I know you're right. And yeah, I think its just a case of 'noticing' all the insignificant little pains that you just ignore when you alright.