View Full Version : Thoughts not causing anxiety - real!?

27-08-16, 12:47
Hi all,

Several months ago I had CBT for anxiety. I was very fixated on my relationship, constantly checking and questioning my feelings, as well as my partner's feelings for me. Undergoing CBT and practicing it on my own has really reduced my overall levels of anxiety and I'm feeling much better in myself.

However, my reduced levels of anxiety means that when I get thoughts that would previously have triggered intense physical symptoms and made me cry (e.g. "You don't really love him", "You're making excuses for him - he's useless" and so on) I don't really respond physically. I've slipped a bit and started obsessively Googling things to do with relationships again, which I know I ought not to do, but is this enough to identify them as anxious thoughts?

27-08-16, 14:14
Hi ubma,

Do you by any chance have OCD? I ask because what you are describing sounds like a ROCD theme.

If so, I think it's likely that you are experiencing something OCD sufferers have termed "backdoor spike".

To save me typing it up again, I've put quite a bit of detail in another thread about how my OCD, and observation of fellow sufferers as well as discussions with others in recovery, have seen changes in how their fear response worked in their cycles.


That might help you understand it. Backdoor spike is something well known in the OCD community so there is plenty out there if Google it.

worried 101
27-08-16, 17:57
I have had exactly the same thoughts and I know how horrible this can be. I'm actually going through this a bit atm as I have been fine but going through a anxious spell and had a horrible dream about my husband that I left him and was happy, that in the morning I felt awful and had to tell him. Luckily he is very understanding and knows that it's rubbish but even so I feel these niggles of doubt even thought I know when I'm fully well I don't have these thoughts. Everything I go through it it feels like the first time all over again.
I've been through the endless hours of googling,checking my feelings and waking up feeling so panicked,I know how horrible it is so I really feel for you.
I'm one of those who can dish out advice but find it much harder to take it and put it in to practice but just don't loose faith, we're both going through slips atm and both questioning our anxiety and they say anxiety targets the things you love most alot of the time so just hang in there. I wish I had more advice to give you or helpful words but you're not alone.
Take care. X

28-08-16, 06:23
Well this sitautions perturbed your mind a little .Have some patient and your thoughts will come back to normal