View Full Version : Please stop me googling this!!

27-08-16, 13:18
The last 2 weeks or so I wasn't doing too bad. I didn't feel the need to come on here and I refused to google a few times. But I'm struggling again :-(
I noticed about a week ago that one of my legs (my thigh really) is bigger that the other. Maybe I've had this for a long time - I just don't know. I'm coming so close to googling it but I really don't want to as I know I WILL find something that will freak me out even more.
Is this a normal thing, for one leg to be bigger/fatter than the other??
I could really do with some comforting words right now!!!!

27-08-16, 13:24
Yes, it is a well known fact that our bodies are not symmetrical, hence why we have one foot longer than the other, asymmetrical faces etc. When I went to the doctors once with a leg problem, she told me that usually our dominant (stronger) side is slightly bigger. She measured the circumference of my calf muscles and asked if I was left handed as my left calf was bigger. So, in short, you do not need to Google!

27-08-16, 13:24
Only you can stop yourself from googling.
I have one calf bigger than the other. I always wear skinny jeans and my right calf feels noticeably tighter. Sometimes it's really uncomfortable as my leg feels so different.

However it is normal, even more normal if it's the leg you use the most.

If you Google it will tell you lots of horror stories, it always does.

27-08-16, 13:28
It's really as simple as we're asymmetrical by nature. No more, no less.

Positive thoughts

27-08-16, 13:30
Thanks for the quick replies. What's concerning me though is that it's my left leg is bigger, and I'm right handed. Although I wouldn't say that I use my right leg more than my left. Definitely use my right hand more, but I'd say both legs an even amount. Would it still be normal for a left leg to be bigger on a right handed person??

27-08-16, 13:58
you're over-examining this. To get over HA you have to stop examining and stop seeking reassurance. The more you examine or google the worse you will feel.

When I am anxious I try to make a list of the different things my worry could be.. the straightforward explanations.


27-08-16, 14:01
Well, my left leg was bigger and I'm right-handed too! I just figured I am stronger on that side with my legs.

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 13:59 ----------

When I am anxious I try to make a list of the different things my worry could be.. the straightforward explanations.


That is excellent advice, which I was taught when doing CBT. These days, I make the list in my head, rather than writing it down though!

27-08-16, 15:17
That list does sound like a good idea. I'm really trying to beat this HA, and for me the first step is to stop googling........ Nothing good comes from it!!
I think I'll just try to accept that one leg is bigger than the other, and if there is something else going on, I'm sure my body will let me know
I'm not even sure what I'm afraid of - how could it be a sign of cancer (which is what I always fear). And I then starting asking myself could it be a blood clot??
Surely this is just my HA going into overdrive again....

27-08-16, 21:03
Don't google, it won't tell you anything but it will make you think you have something you don't.

One of my legs is thinner than the other as I use one leg to change gear.
Our bodies are not the same both sides! :)

31-08-16, 14:54
I posted a thread here a few days ago about noticing that my left thigh is fatter than my right one (and I'm right handed).
I was doing well the last few days about this but I looked at it again this morning and got extremely paranoid about it.
Then I googled it!!!
I know, what did I expect!
Can anyone give me reassurance that this is relatively normal and there is nothing sinister lurking inside me.....
It's very noticeable just above my knee, but the rest of the thigh is fatter as well.

31-08-16, 15:00
I posted a thread here a few days ago about noticing that my left thigh is fatter than my right one (and I'm right handed).
I was doing well the last few days about this but I looked at it again this morning and got extremely paranoid about it.
Then I googled it!!!
I know, what did I expect!
Can anyone give me reassurance that this is relatively normal and there is nothing sinister lurking inside me.....
It's very noticeable just above my knee, but the rest of the thigh is fatter as well.

I don't know. Can anyone? Only you can decide that.

But you shouldn't expect to be symmetrical. There's not a single completely symmetrical human on this Earth. I have a bigger left thigh muscle than right. It's noticeable, because my last girlfriend spotted it while giving me a massage (oh, how I miss those days...)

Anyway, you're fine. Embrace your wonkiness!

31-08-16, 15:16
I have the exact same thing larger left thigh whilst being right handed and it has never crossed my mind to worry about it strangely enough even though I am right handed my left arm is actually stronger.
I do a lot of driving so that could be down to compressing the clutch all the time or I use to play certain sports which I would have used my left leg more than the right leg so try to figure out if you are doing a certain hobby or pass time which involves using your left leg more than the right leg however if that is not the case than be assured its perfectly normal to be asymmetrical on not only your leg but every other body part.

31-08-16, 15:58
Hi Broken Girl

Just to let you know that I have merged this thread with your earlier one.

This is not personal it just makes the forum easier to use.


31-08-16, 16:12
Hi Broken Girl

Just to let you know that I have merged this thread with your earlier one.

This is not personal it just makes the forum easier to use.


Sorry Elen - I didn't realise I should have just continued on from my original post.
I'll know next time :)

31-08-16, 16:15
No problems Broken Girl

31-08-16, 16:30
You won't be fatter on side, you will have more muscle or differences in muscle shape.

If you visited any bodybuilding forum and looked at the measurements they take, you would quickly see how their arms & legs differ. Actually the same is true of the back, chest, shoulders, etc but they cannot effectively measure them so look at symmetry instead. Bodybuilding is all about symmetry and they constantly seek to correct weaknesses.

Trainers tell people to use dumbbells for that very reason, because our dominant sides will always push/pull harder so it just creates weaknesses in overall strength.

I'm right handed and my left leg is better for balance than my right, yet if anything I feel my right leg is more dominant. My right & left arms have differences in musculature despite my right being my dominant.