View Full Version : Liver!!

27-08-16, 15:38
My ankles swelled up on holiday and my left one is still sore after 3 weeks of being home. It's sore to touch round my ankle bone etc and i can't stop checking it. I stupidly googled and liver disease and diabetes etc come up :ohmy:. I keep feeling sickly and sweats so now my obsessive brain can't get out of my head it's one of these. It doesn't help that i stopped taking 10mg of amitriptyline on Monday after being on them for 4 year.

27-08-16, 18:57
Swelling can be just normal fluid retention from sitting too long, lack of circulation, and/or some poor lifestyle choices.

I've had ankle swelling from being too sedentary and allowing myself to gain weight while depressed. I did find that I had fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. But guess what? Both are reversed and I'm healthier than ever (aside from random health anxiety blips). Just get it checked out if it continues to happen. These are both areas where reversal is absolutely possible if it is something like liver issues or diabetes (type 2).