View Full Version : Why does this happen???

27-08-16, 20:04
Hi all

Can someone please help me

Why do I ache so much after going out or doing anything physical?

I have got Fibromyalgia (although I question the way I was diagnosed) my upper back arms shoulder to wrist and my neck and front of my chest ache feels like I've been sunburnt also I've been docs had my heart lungs and things listened to she said they were all fine I do have chronic nerve pain could this be getting worse? Or have I just zoned in on it? I don't know 😔 Just hanging the washing out makes my arms ache I also get weird facial feelings like when you have been out in the cold you get that numb feeling

I'm scared it is motor norone or something please help

28-08-16, 07:40
It's the health anxiety super scanner, you are homing in on the symptoms. Trust your doctors they know more than you or me.

10-09-16, 20:36
Hi Scared Caz... Not sure if this is similar but I was diagnosed with a Shoulder impingement some years ago and now and then it flares up..Over doing things, weather inflaming it etc.. My nerve pain is deep within arm socket and runs to that muscle below collarbone and sometimes a quick nerve pain side of neck.. I also get tight back of shoulders tightness.