View Full Version : Cherry angioma or spider angiosma also Xanax advice.

27-08-16, 21:27
I've always had liver fears. I do like wine but try not to overdo it to much. I'm on vacation though and have had more then usual. Three bottles over the last 8 days. Anyway I am very pale and have always had tons of moles and spots. Including little red pin head dots on my tummy and one on my neck and one on my breast. I've had the breast one the largest since childhood. Some are like the tiniest dot but the largest is snack too. In total about 10. I've always thought cherry hemangioma. None have legs really and their slightly raise pad and Blanche a bit when pressed. So yesterday I got scared they were spider angioplasty from liver. I can't really see any thread veins coming out but if I totally contort one I can maybe see one vein on one. My husband says I'm crazy that I've always had them abs they are red blind spots. He looked at spider angiomas on Internet and said they looked NOTHING like that. He also told me they didn't really even look like cherry ones and are less then nothing. I have a prescription for Xanax and I took one last night and feel much better today but still a little anxious.

I take Xanax maybe once a month. My husband thinks I should take it more often but I'm a bit scared. I don't want to take daily meds.

So anyway two questions does anyone have dots like mine and for people who take Xanax how often do you take it. My pills are .25 mg I take 1 when I take it

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:24 ----------

I forgot I should add I went to derm last year and had at least si,e if the red dots. He didn't mention them and he checked me all over. At the time I was worried about a mole on my back so wasn't bothered about red dots as I though I had melanoma. Health anxiety fun!

28-08-16, 07:36
Yes I have red dots, EVERYONE does. You've been checked by a dermatologist who saw no cause for concern. Your husband has looked at pics and sees nothing to worry about.

Don't know anything about Xanax, I suppose they are good to help you break the anxiety cycle, but use sparingly. Better to work on your Health Anxiety.

28-08-16, 22:43
I have some of those red dots too - really you have nothing to worry about.
I also think that nearly everybody have a few of them.

With regards to the xanax, I would beg you to please don't take them. I went through absolute hell coming off xanax. People ( and that includes doctors ) just don't realise the damage they can do. I wouldn't have got through my ordeal if it wasn't for a website www.benzobuddies.org
That website literally saved my life!!
Have a read through it and you'll see the damage and devastation that xanax can do, even after very short periods of time. And it is soooooo easy to get hooked on them - they are HIGHLY addictive!!

I know that a big part of the reason I am here on this website is because of the damage xanax did to me. I'm slowly recovering but it is a very slow recovery!!

Stay strong, and xanax free :)