View Full Version : Rheumatoid arthritis/multitude of cancers worries

28-08-16, 15:19
Hello, 21 year old male from Finland here. I'm a concscript at the moment (mandatory military service) and I've been having increasing knee and other joint aches for a week now. Noticed them last monday and just thought it was normal, every day knee ache but as it lasted almost throughout the day and was present every day up until now (still is though, hasn't gone away) I started to get worried.

My father has rheumatoid arthritis and I had my first tests for it when I was little (5-7 years old, can't quite remember) because I had aches quite commonly, but the tests came back negative. The doctors put it down as regular growing paina.

I've had joint and bone aches more or less throughout my life in differing magnitudes. As I stopped growing significantly they became less of a problem but were still there from time to time.

Of course, being the hypochondriac I am, I've been looking at other ache causes and got worried of different cancers such as leukemia, osteosarcoma and other bone cancers. I realize there's a slim chance I actually have them but still am worried.

As a conscript I have limited access to health care outside of the barracks' own hospital. I'm going to visit them tomorrow and ask about my symptoms and hopefully get a note to get some tests ran. Even before I was assigned into the army I was given an eased service commission by a doctor because of my aches and was told I might have to get tests ran. I never did as I didn't have many aches during the three years I had before stepping into my comission. As of right now I'm pretty worried but at least somewhat relieved that I know it might be "just" rheumatoid arthritis which, at least to my knowledge, isn't too fatal.