View Full Version : Doing so well - now having a meltdown

28-08-16, 16:46
So I've been on Effexor for about a year now (very low dose) and my HA has been great.

However I've just returned from holiday in Antigua and I'm having a meltdown about Skin Cancer.

A bit of background I'm very fair skin and freckled in my teens I stupidly used sunbeds/got burnt etc, before the dangers of sun exposure were particularly well known.

Ever since then I've been really careful, hardly ever go in the sun, if I'm out in it I use a high SPF and even on holidays I sit in the shade etc.

I have had my GP (who is a dematologist) check my skin several times and he said my skin isn't too bad and doesn't really look damaged and just keep an eye on moles etc and report any changes.

This holiday I was determined I would wear and SPF 50 all the time which I did but I managed to get burnt and so did my son and now I'm having a meltdown that I've put him at risk and also increased my own risk again.

I put my son in a rash vest and long shorts, cap and sunglasses but in the water his rash vest rose up slightly and he got burnt on his lower back quite badly so that really upset me and then we went on a boat trip both smothered in a waterproof factor 50 and covered up for the journey there. We got off to do some snorkeling for about 45 mins and in that time both mine and my sons shoulders burnt.

I'm trying to get it into perspective by thinking I took all sensible precautions and with the best will in the world sometimes these things happen but worrying myself silly.

I'm thinking of taking us both to my GP so he can check the areas but I know there probably won't be anything to see at this stage and it's a waiting game.

Can anyone else relate?

28-08-16, 20:10
Certainly doesn't sound like a trip to the GP is needed.

Regular exposure to strong sunshine can increase the risk of skin cancer. However, the occasional sunburn, especially if it's rare, is not something to worry about.

Best thing you can do is stay off those sun beds and keep your commitment to wearing sunscreen.

29-08-16, 05:35
How long and how often have you used sunbeds for? I am sure if the doctor checked your skin and said its not too damaged it will be fine, and the majority forms of skin cancers are easily removed and benign so don't worry too much.

29-08-16, 08:54
So I've been on Effexor for about a year now (very low dose) and my HA has been great.

However I've just returned from holiday in Antigua and I'm having a meltdown about Skin Cancer.

A bit of background I'm very fair skin and freckled in my teens I stupidly used sunbeds/got burnt etc, before the dangers of sun exposure were particularly well known.

Ever since then I've been really careful, hardly ever go in the sun, if I'm out in it I use a high SPF and even on holidays I sit in the shade etc.

I have had my GP (who is a dematologist) check my skin several times and he said my skin isn't too bad and doesn't really look damaged and just keep an eye on moles etc and report any changes.

This holiday I was determined I would wear and SPF 50 all the time which I did but I managed to get burnt and so did my son and now I'm having a meltdown that I've put him at risk and also increased my own risk again.

I put my son in a rash vest and long shorts, cap and sunglasses but in the water his rash vest rose up slightly and he got burnt on his lower back quite badly so that really upset me and then we went on a boat trip both smothered in a waterproof factor 50 and covered up for the journey there. We got off to do some snorkeling for about 45 mins and in that time both mine and my sons shoulders burnt.

I'm trying to get it into perspective by thinking I took all sensible precautions and with the best will in the world sometimes these things happen but worrying myself silly.

I'm thinking of taking us both to my GP so he can check the areas but I know there probably won't be anything to see at this stage and it's a waiting game.

Can anyone else relate?

Can I come at this from a slightly different perspective? Please don't be offended X

You mentioned risk - I think there is a bigger risk of passing extreme anxiety to your son if you drag him to the GP. That sounds harsh but it's not meant to be, it's hopefully to help you see that your anxiety can be picked up on, and when it's over an everyday event - kids do get a bit burnt, even if you are careful - he will associate a happy time with anxiety. Again, I'm not trying to give you a sense of guilt (we have enough of that!) but to put it in perspective.

Children like the sun, adults often like the sun. You use factor 50, apply it regularly, and wear a hat/cap and some loose cotton clothing. Please, please try not to obsess over this - you did take all reasonable precautions but you also have to enjoy life. If you used no sunscreen, no hat and got burnt on a regular basis, it would be a different story, but it's not. You got a bit burnt, it will clear up (aloe gel is good) and it will go soon. Waste no more time, of good holiday memories, stressing about this. You haven't put your son, or yourself, at risk.

As an aside, I'm under the care of an Oncologist. I didn't have skin cancer but wondered about my risk. He said hat, factor 50, loose cotton clothing and common sense. You couldn't pay me to sit in the shade!

You're fine, really. Please don't waste your, or your sons life, being terrified of some future non event. Xx

29-08-16, 13:37
Very wise words Mercime. There can't be many of us who haven't had at least one bad sunburn in our lives. It would be almost impossible to avoid. No need for any worries about this.

30-08-16, 09:47
Thank you so much for the replies.

I think jet lag was adding to my anxiety as I spent most of yesterday sleeping and feel a lot more rational today.

You are all right and the worry about passing this anxiety onto my son is something I battle every day as he does tend to be more like me and is a worrier anyway. I'm constantly trying to keep any concerns under wraps in front of him and the last thing I want is him growing up with HA.

The bottom line now is it's done and I tried to keep us both protected it wasn't like we were sat in the son for hours with no sunscreen on and the exposure was limited to less that an hour with protection, so I'll just keep an eye on mine and my son's skin as I do anyway and if there are any changes I'll check in with the GP.

Thanks again.