View Full Version : Burping frenzy

28-08-16, 17:56
Hi guys,

Every so often for short and long periods of time sometimes all day I have this frenzy of uncontrollable burping to the point where it eventually it gives me really bad heartburn and when it gets bad it leaves me breathless. its so frustrating. When I say uncontrollable its one after the other and like a hiccup comes out whether you want it to or not. I've tried a couple of things from the chemist but not found anything that works.

Anyone else experience anything like this?


28-08-16, 18:16
Have you tracked what you are eating/drinking during these times?

28-08-16, 18:40
Hi, yeah kind of, I don't drink fizzy drinks or eat much junk food. Is there foods I should be avoiding?

29-08-16, 01:26
Welcome to my world!
This was my first symptom of anxiety. For 6 months I did nothing but burp. All day long. And when I tried to stop it, I would hear it bubbling up from my stomach all the way up and come out anyway. So annoying in public places. Nothing to do with what I ate or drank. It just happened.
Even now when I feel stressed or have a bit of anxiety, it's always the first thing that comes back. No stomach pains. No acid reflux for me. Just the feeling of a ball of gas at the top of my stomach wanting to get out.

It goes away with the anxiety. But I still battle with it sometimes

29-08-16, 19:13
Thanks for sharing your experince, I know it's so annoying I wish there was a way of stopping it :lac: