View Full Version : Homeless cat

28-08-16, 23:11
I walked past a homeless lady with a cat on her lap (I live in the city). I'm concerned about diseases the cat might carry. Anyone know about what those might be? I don't want to Google and potentially send myself off the deep end.

28-08-16, 23:15
I'm not sure I understand, are you worried about the homeless lady?

28-08-16, 23:49
I'm worried (selfishly) about myself. I have a lot of fear and phobias around germs and disease so I'm worried that I could have caught something from getting so close to the cat

28-08-16, 23:55
It doesn't matter what diseases the cat (or the homeless lady) could have. Nothing would put you at risk just by being relatively near them for a matter of moments.

28-08-16, 23:56
I'm worried (selfishly) about myself. I have a lot of fear and phobias around germs and disease so I'm worried that I could have caught something from getting so close to the cat

But you didn't touch the woman or the cat right?

29-08-16, 00:16
No, I didn't touch them. I was thinking of maybe a flea or tick jumping?

29-08-16, 00:42
No, I didn't touch them. I was thinking of maybe a flea or tick jumping?

Ummmm. No.

Positive thoughts

29-08-16, 01:01
No, I didn't touch them. I was thinking of maybe a flea or tick jumping?

If it were that easy, we'd all be sick and dying. I am positive you did not pick anything up from the homeless woman or the cat.

Dan Wales
29-08-16, 01:45
You will be fine. You only passed her for a few seconds. I honestly know you will be ok. Try not to worry.

29-08-16, 02:42
Thanks everyone. Rationally, part of my mind knows I'm totally fine. The OCD / HA is just so strong!!