View Full Version : Nightmares

29-08-16, 16:04
Last night I dreamed that someone was going around with an assault rifle and shooting all these people dead. Hundreds of people, all screaming and crying as he shot them to pieces. One man was trying to breathe through bullet holes in his chest. It was AWFUL and woke me up in a complete cold sweat, heart hammering, feeling sick, shaking. I looked at the clock - 5.30am - that was it, no chance of getting back to sleep again..

Before starting the Citalopram I hadn't had a nightmare for years, but now I get them pretty regularly although I can always trace it back to something I've seen during the day on TV or read online. I can trace last nights dream back to a programme I watched last evening which is kind of reassuring because at least my brain isn't making these horrific things up of its own accord.

Anyone else get nightmares, do they ever go?

29-08-16, 17:03
hi Mojo, im having loads of dreams not nightmares.. and they are nearly all of a sexual nature and i in every occasion am cheating on my ex.. Im not sure why i am dreaming these dreams but my ex cheated on me so many times it doesn't bare thinking about and it still hurts me now.. its 10 years ago.. The weird part is i am always with the same guy which is a friend of my ex who i always admired secretly.. strange. My dreams are not of an horrific nature as yours though. My dad takes med for blood pressure ect and he has the most violent dreams where he hits out and belts my mum, the doc said it most likely the med. So it could be the same for Cit. Not sure though! Hope they ease off. x

29-08-16, 20:13
When I was on Cit I found that I would vividly dream almost every night, but this seemed to go away as I settled. Hope this helps!

29-08-16, 21:22
Thank you both. I'm hoping they do ease off, or better still that I start having vivid dreams about riding a beautiful Snow White stallion along the beach or winning the lottery! :roflmao:

30-08-16, 08:11
The vivid dreams & nightmares have stuck around for me, I don't think they'll ever go. The nightmares are so awful like yours, always involving people being shot or really vivid car crashes, when I have a bad one I end up thinking about it for days afterwards. A few weeks back I had about a week where I slept soundly and didn't have a single dream and I've been racking my brain trying to remember what I did differently.

30-08-16, 08:32
I have quite stressful dreams and have as long as I remember, they've become more intense since I've been unwell but I seem to be able to remember them less.

However last night I dreamt I came home and someone had mowed my lawns, so that was a good one!

31-08-16, 21:19
I get vivid dreams there not nice not every night but most nights I do xx