View Full Version : worried

29-08-16, 18:45
Even though I said about asking my account to be closed. so taking a break until I get back from my holiday and will back late September.

It is making me feel sick with worry even pain and ache I automatic think it is cancer and I am dying.

I am going through a lot of worry about my health (yes worrying about cancer once again) have I got it, mainly the odd pain underneath my arm thinking this is either breast cancer/ or advanced secondary lung cancer or first lung cancer.

I woke up with neck pain this morning so worry I got either neck cancer or bone cancer primary or secondary or both.

Oh yes my abdominal pain so fear I got bowel cancer/advanced liver cancer or pancreatic even though my poop shape and size is normal for me, no blood in the bowl or wiping.

I am scared I have cancer, but seeing a GP because I am still worried about these cysts which were spotted during my testicles ultrasound in May 2016.

Also worried about shoulder pain i can feel that is could be lung cancer primary/secondary. and my back pain not heavy but the odd twinge pressure is a cancer symptom

29-08-16, 19:07
ive got a pain in the left side of my neck (id guess muscle tension)

dull ache in my lower stomach (ibs probably)

tenderness on my right side. two of my ribs seem a bit sore (probably slept funny)

any of those might be cancer. but they almost certainly arent.

try and challenge the thoughts if you can (its hard at first). try and come up with the most likely cause of any of your symptoms. it wont be cancer. you can never be 100% certain obviously.

30-08-16, 22:07

At 32 nearly 33 cancer is still a huge fear for me I have wasted 4+ years on and off. had a number of scans/blood test, exams at the GP. I feel I got one or more type of cancer even though I don't

I am worried sick with my health, and feeling I am making my self feel sick I am back to like I was in 2012 and 2013 now, and fear that I have cancer, maybe it acid relux with is making me stomach feel icky or anxiety.

worried about pain in my butt which could be cancer or how I am sitting.,

It all started again two weeks ago when I was too rough with my self testicualr exam giving myself pains

I probably dont fully understand what is normal and what is serious as is cancer when you are bedridden and have real symptoms like a hard lump which you cannot move.

Also now worried about bone pain whether this is advance secondary cancer spreading.

On my notes at the GP will probbaly say loon, crank, crazy etc

This health worries are making me tired and oh yes now I am worried about diabetes it a never ending party.

31-08-16, 15:39
Do I need to asked my GP referred me to see specialists because I fear I got cancer.

I fear it will be too late, even though I am eating and drinking okay

Will he referred me to see someone who can help me with my aches and pains and another round of CBT I had CBT a few years ago but did not help, went to group session but stopped going in 2014 got very depressing the last session I went to

I am scared I have the big c growing in my somewhere and it spreading throughout my body.

Also worried about pains around my prostate/butt hole could this be cancer, I am too young to worried about prostate cancer age 32, because I am scared I have prostate cancer and dont know it.

---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 ----------

I am sorry for going on like this,

When people you know and if you are suffering from the big c

I am trying to get on with my life, got a holiday to look forward next month hopefully meet someone special

31-08-16, 22:22
I am scared that I have been misdiagonsed with these cysts even though there are part of the epdidymtis (sp) I am scared that I have a real issue like cancer happening to my body

03-09-16, 13:22
Been worried about my skin a lot, whether my freckles have changed shape, so now think I could skin cancer, got no moles which ahve changed shape, not bleeding, no open sores.

Do dentist noticed things like on your face, I know some the time my dentist check my neck area and feel for any lumps.

Even a dot on my skin I get I think it is automatically cancer.

If I could I would book a GP appointment every day and have all the scans possibly

08-10-16, 15:33
Now worried about oral cancer, with this white ulcer, spot on my gum which I think is a oral cancer. I have been suffered from cold a while, no idea whether it in the same location as where I had an abcess in 2015 and the root canal in 2006

I am scard I have cancer in my mouth I am dying

I do go to the dentist every three months so do dentist do a throughly examination for oral cancer since each time I only get 10 minutes with my dentist for cleaning, polishing and checking. How can dentist tell if something bad

I cannot help going on about my worries my parents really fed up with me and had a go at me :( today

13-10-16, 17:16
I feel bad that I am causing arugements in my family (parents) about my health worries, going on about it

Yhat I cant keep going down to see the GP or dentists (only been twice to GP this year) and had three checkups this year at dentist I go every three months. as I am still concerned about the white thing on my gum but think it gone down, has not grown only had it 7-10 days (but thanks to google think it is cancer and nothing else as I am not getting pain in it,) I am off the dentist next week for my checkup.

I dont want to lose my teeth with me being stupid being afraid of dentist even though I go every three months
I am hoping the phone call I get on Monday 24th October will help me.

14-10-16, 15:20
Not asked for any Reassurance today for anybody,

I do not dare just talk about my health anxiety worries with any family no more, so have lied today with how I am feeling.

even if I do get a problem like a filling, crown doing in the future, I am still scared I have cancer even though all the tests I have come back fine for other problems in the past like abdominal pain, could not go thought I had bowel cancer in 2012-2013, and problems with my testicles where my gp thought he felt a lump earlier this year

it still making me feel more poorly worrying it has not changed or grown (does not feel like a bump or lump shape like a pea) I know I got to face the fear of going to the dentist for my appointment next week for my checkup, but scared I get told the big c,

I am still not 100% with my cold

I have ate a bit more today, but still panic

31-10-16, 12:37
Worried about a red mark today, cannot feel a lump which is not moveable, I am jumping to testicle cancer, penile cancer or prostate cancer, but more likely it a hair which is infectrion or nicked myself.

testicles dont feel hard

31-10-16, 17:01
Get some help :)

31-10-16, 17:15
I refer you to my original reply. cbt will help you relabel or challenge these thoughts. or mindfulness will help you understand that you don't have to be a prisoner to your thoughts

we have millions of thoughts a day. only some of them get through the natural filter. most are dismissed as irrelevant or uninteresting. the more we pay attention to a thought the more it gets through the "filter". thats how things become an obsession.

these thoughts won't go away on their own unfortunately. you are giving them more importance by posting and seeking reassurance.

31-10-16, 20:54
Waiting to see the person who I been to referred to.

Also worried about a mark of my face think it a skin cancer (I know moles can pop up as we aged) it has not bleed, no multi colour or black colour, just looks weird. has not changed shape or grown. I also suffer from NF so it might be one of these things, I got a couple of these purple things under my arms in my teens which I did well covering them up. and there are butt ugly.

Its a none stop party in Phils Brain.

31-10-16, 21:32
out of curiousity what's NF?

31-10-16, 21:43
out of curiousity what's NF?

Neurofibromatosis, lumps which causes tumours to grow on nerves ends, most of the tumours are thankfully benign, but I have a large number of cafe au lait markings/spots on my body.

Even though I should not google about my health condition I been on NHS it says something about therapy for behavioral problems. The bottom part worries me.

A lot ties up with me having dyspraxia as well.

So far only had one lump removed, and that was 2 years today (31st october 2014)

Got type 1, I been told there are 4 types, 1,2,3,4 (but you dont hear about 3 and 4 very often)

02-11-16, 18:26
Seems that I am still worried about my testicles, a red patch with lines, but cannot feel any lumps, I am scared this could be testicle cancer. I sound like a radio or one of those broken cassette player.

I am not doing well with my health anxiety. If I could I will go to the doctors every single day at least once

I have checked this mark/patch 50 times already today (at home)

---------- Post added at 18:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:16 ----------

Also worried this could be leukemia as well.

I think it where my cysts are, I hope I dont need my cysts removing. I am scared always about my health. jumping to the worst things. I am glad we did not do much about learning about the human body during secondary school.

02-11-16, 18:26
Phil it looks like you are in the midst of a really bad HA spiral.

How soon to therapy?

I am not going to re-assure you over each of your fears, suffice it to say you are struggling badly atm.

Please no more googling unless it is to google HA.

Would your Dad be willing to look at some techniques that could help you and work through them with you?

02-11-16, 22:11
Phil it looks like you are in the midst of a really bad HA spiral.

How soon to therapy?

I am not going to re-assure you over each of your fears, suffice it to say you are struggling badly atm.

Please no more googling unless it is to google HA.

Would your Dad be willing to look at some techniques that could help you and work through them with you?

No idea but seeing my GP on Monday hopefully the therapy will be soon

Thanks for your concerns.

My parents will be willing to help me with the techniques I will be given, my Dad had a quick word with the guy who phoned me up, also when I was going for my PIP my Dad asked me to leave the room for a few minutes so he could say a few words.

I do have a job interview coming up, funny enough in medical sorting out the post and sorting packs out.

I will try and not Google,

I do know my HA is getting worst and worst and know I will get that horrible abdominal pain again when I first joined the site when I thought I had bowel cancer.

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------

I know I am getting worst with my HA this year probably at the same level as my bowel cancer worries a few years which was only to be found out it was a small pouch which is pretty common and no treatment needed.

I know I got to try and help myself, but this checking all the time

All my family want me back to how I used to be, without worrying as much

I think going to the GP three times this year is pretty normal for me, much better than a few years when it was weekly. Both my parents have retired from work, my mum a few years took early she had enough with her job, my Dad this year because of his age so have not been able to go to GP as often I want to.

03-11-16, 13:18
Hopefully not to I wait to hear back from the therapy

I been looking at the nhs health anxiety leaflet again about number of times checking per day and see whether I can reduced it. My numbers are going up and up and up. I know we all get weird marks etc.

I am still focus on my testicle/scotrum with the marks/lines/ what I call a patch. it weird.

If I dont check myself I feel anxious, if I check myself I feel more anxious

---------- Post added at 13:18 ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 ----------

Checked the white mark on my gum on when cleaning my teeth, still taking a while to heal, must have badly nick myself, dentist will not lie she knows what I am like.

I have feared I have had at least so many cancer because of symptoms. marks etc. I do know what real, whats is my head and whats is just anxiety. Everything to me is bad until I get checked out.

04-11-16, 08:13
Its an endless worry for me from my poop and wee, to my bones, marks on body etc

I am feeling sick to my stomach and my neck hurts today, worrying about every little thing on my body, still on my testicle/scrotum worry.

Last night I was thinking about my eyebrows and my hair

As we get older we get marks as we aged. My hairdressers quite surprise how old I am., why people think I look younger than I am

---------- Post added at 07:56 ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 ----------

Also I am trying very hard not to check my poop everytime I go, I always have a good look down the bowl, and wipe have a good look.

---------- Post added at 08:13 ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 ----------

I always worried about everything that any pain, ache is cancer or advanced cancer, but dont often know that it could be me causing the problems with my anxiety causing aches.

I dont seem to understand it could be something serious, and more likely it could be something less serious./ I automatically think it is 100% serious

04-11-16, 10:40
Couldn't you think about your own thoughts that they're not accurate, that you shouldn't trust your thoughts when they tell you it's 100% serious and rely on someone else's judgement? If you know it's like tinnitus, just a sound or buzz that's there but isn't for real? Or like having a hiccup? That it is annoying but will pass?

04-11-16, 14:11
Couldn't you think about your own thoughts that they're not accurate, that you shouldn't trust your thoughts when they tell you it's 100% serious and rely on someone else's judgement? If you know it's like tinnitus, just a sound or buzz that's there but isn't for real? Or like having a hiccup? That it is annoying but will pass?

Yes I am trying, but I am trying my hardest not to touch the vein, patch but scared that everything is a cancer or a disease which looks werird, cannot feel a lump/swelling

---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

Cant stop worrying.; cannot stop checking

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

getting tense in my shoulders and neck. I am scared of my body., every line, vein etc. but everything is movable down there, no hard lumps.

I wish I could marry a doctor

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ----------

I'm serious worried about my health and it is getting worst with this HA. I cannot think + that most things like bumps etc 99.9% are fine,

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

I think the worst for everything and will spend every day down at the GP if I could

07-11-16, 11:30
Well I got the mark checked out, nothing to worry about,. I did get asked whether I heard back from the place about therapy, he also asked do I want to try tablets, he said lets try the therapy first than tablets.

He wants me to see him in Jan 2017.