View Full Version : I have once again convinced myself that I have cancer

29-08-16, 19:11
I've been gone a while, but I'm back and I will never be so stupid as to believe that I could ever get better.

Basically, I've been obsessed with my neck for the last week and a bit, I'm constantly poking and prodding for lumps. And I'm not sure, but I think my glands are swollen. I asked a friend to look, and she said they felt tender. But I can't feel any pain, I don't have any difficulty swallowing, I'm not tired or losing my appetite but I do have a bit of a tacky feeling in my throat.

When I started freaking out, my friend told me that they felt a little tender, not angry and swollen. And that it was probably because I keep poking at them and it's hot as hell right now or I might be coming down with something. But it's too late, I'm certain I have leukemia, or lymphoma or whatever cancer comes from ever so slightly swollen glands.

I'm booking and appointment with my GP tomorrow, but I'm terrified they'll to a test and tell me it's cancer. I had a general blood count, thyroid function test and my iron levels checked about 10 months ago but nothing was wrong. Everything was perfectly fine. But I'm so scared right now. Are there other causes for slightly swollen glands? I'm obviously not going to google it!!!

29-08-16, 21:51
There can be lots of reasons why your glands swell up - allergies, slight infections which are too minor to cause any other symptoms etc. My salivary glands often swell up when I'm having an asthma attack and the glands in my armpits and neck sometimes swell up with the hormonal changes of the perimenopause.

Plus your friend wasn't even sure they were swollen!

You have no other symptoms and your blood count was fine when you had it checked less than a year ago, so I very much doubt it would be cancer. I really hope the GP can reassure you.

30-08-16, 13:45
BetheRugbyball, I am certain you don't have cancer. Cancer doesn't just come along with swollen glands. Like the previous poster mentioned, it is more likely to be a slight infection or allergies, or something else completely harmless. I think you should relax and if going to your doctor keeps you calm, go for it.

30-08-16, 23:14
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. What you describe in no way, shape or form is indicative of cancer. There was no mistaking the swollen node in my neck at all. It's not you "think" it's swollen, it IS swollen.. visibly so.

I'm sure I'll get to say "Told ya so!" :)

Positive thoughts