View Full Version : Feeling Really Bad

24-03-07, 19:22
Hiya Everyone...

Can you help me?

I feel really sad, upset and angry, i keep crying and im so scared and confused...im panicy and i dont no what to do...my mind has gone blank.

Please can you help me and give me tips...im so scared. I just need a hug. :(

I wanna die.


xxxkelxx :hugs:

:sad::weep: :sad::weep: :sad:

24-03-07, 23:34
Please dont say you wanna die,your family would be totally devastated.Have you tried talking to them or writing them a letter to say how you are feeling.
Im sending you a BIG HUG pet.:hugs: :hugs:

25-03-07, 00:07
Hi Kelly, got your PM.

Come on now, you don't want to die - as Ellen says so many people would hurt over that - you just want to 'run away' right?

You've made some big steps lately so it's no wonder you're on a bit of a downer. This happens because you're so used to feeling really down (and worse) that it can take time to start to feel a bit ok about things.

You're doing well, so don't let this set you back ok? And it's alright to feel really crap sometimes - life aint perfect, even for grannies :wacko:, so don't beat yourself up but be determined to work at it. We're all here to help you, as much as we can :)

Here's a big granny one coming up........


25-03-07, 08:09
I've had times like that too, dear one. The best advice I can give you in regards to depression is that no matter how bad you feel... remember that you will feel better. This too, shall pass. When I become very depressed, I find myself thinking really unpleasant thoughts along with the feelings and going to lie down because I lose energy and just can't seem to make myself do anything. I find though, that the more I battle it, that is, the more I make myself do things despite the depression, the faster I come out of it.

I know it's not easy, and what works for me may or may not work for you. Remember though, that you have been through hard times before and you've made it through, you will make it through this as well. I've been confused, panicky, depressed, my mind too, has gone blank at times. I just woke up at 1:30 AM in a panic... but I'm still here and so are you, right? Keep holding on, this will get better. You will smile again and laugh again, this is just a really hard time.

Life can be hard, but the more we struggle, the fiercer the battle becomes... as we face it, we become stronger. You too, will become stronger and happier, give yourself time. Remember, Rome was not built in a day, you may feel bad for a time, but you WILL feel better again, I promise.

God bless you, you will be in my prayers,


25-03-07, 12:43
Thanks everyone...I realise that my family would be devastated...I couldnt possibly write them a letter or talk to them, im too ashamed and im shy anyway and not a very open person.

Yeh, i just wanna run away from everything...i want to feel 'normal' and how i used to feel again - i no that probably wont happen - i want to get just one moment of happyness/normality.

Since i started high school, ive never actually relaxed, its a vishouse circle of panic attacks, self harm and suicidal thoughts. I need to break this circle, but its so hard. :sad:

I need to be strong and think positively, thats what im trying to do.

Thanks for all the advice, i really apreciate it.

Im just scared of attempting suicide again, in a moment of madness, and suceeding. Coz sometimes i feel like im not in control.

Anyway, i hope your ok. :)

25-03-07, 20:32

What have you got be ashamed off ? nothing, you are feeling down at the mo but when your down theres only one to go and thats up. When your down just think that you will soon be up and all bad feelings will pass, you will stop and wonder what you were thinking in the first place. As for self termination its not an option, I know been there read the book wore the tee shirt take it from me you have to much living to do to let a little hic cup get in the way


26-03-07, 16:43
Thanks Keith.

I understand all what you said, i was just scared.

I feel better now thought. :)

26-03-07, 23:36

Not only will you get through this, but you'll come out of it stronger. You'll come out of it knowing what stresses you out, and how to deal with that in a positive way. You just have to hang in there. You'll get that one moment of 'normality', and then you'll get another. And then another. It'll be hard work, and there'll be plenty of bad moments too. But you'll get through them.

Take care of yourself honey, you've done a lot in the past week, and there are a lot of people here cheering you on!:D


27-03-07, 02:43
hiya, i'm sorry to hear you've been feeling like that that really sucks i know exactly how it feels. i go through patches and phases too and sometimes i wonder if i will ever come out the other end, or if my mind will ever calm down.

my anxiety leads to depression and angst a bit too as it makes me feel small and makes me struggle ._. i also get really lonely.

i know i keep suggesting this tonight (maybe i'm in a weird mood hehe) but it just really helped me - i went out into a field near where i live and just sat on the grass and listened to some beautiful music on my mp3 and sometimes the natural surroundings and calm and distance it gives you can really help to clear your mind and help you to see things clearer. sometimes life can be so hectic, and it helps to take a step back :)

i hope it helps! take care and i hope you get more good patches :)

Hoppi :byebye: