View Full Version : Wanted an opinion on anxiety/panic 'symptoms'

30-08-16, 03:52
Something I get sometimes, more often if I've had a bad night of sleep, is that I will feel... well it's hard to describe. I'll have sweaty palms, which is what makes me think/hope it's from anxiety, but I don't notice a fast heartrate or palpitations or anything. I just feel hot, and a little dizzy, and I feel like I might be sick. If it happens when I'm at work (usually where it happens) I try and ignore it as long as I can, but it has gotten so bad that I've had to just say I feel sick and go home. However these days I tend to just try and distract myself with work, or push through till the end of the shift, and sometimes I manage to get out the other side and feel ok. Usually I feel much better an hour or two later (if not sooner).

But yeh, is feelings of sickness (full head, bad stomach) that comes on fairly quickly be caused by a panic attack? I would say it sounds more 'anxiety', but the quick onset and how bad it gets seems more like an 'attack', especially as it passes... eventually.

It only passes if I succeed in totally distracting myself from it, which is very hard considering the symptoms. And not sure it actually works, or if whatever causes it just gradually fades. IBS was another consideration.

This has been... a really badly written post haha. If I manage to think of a better way of describing this, I'll be sure to update aha.

Thanks guys

30-08-16, 10:12
Hi Nirurin,

Is anything causing the bad night of sleep? If you can improve that, the results will probably flow on to the next day.

30-08-16, 16:24
If I get a bad nights sleep, I know I will be battling the symptoms of anxiety and stress the next day.

What is your pre-sleep routine like?

What are your general sleep patterns like?

31-08-16, 00:55
My sleep tends to be... consistant these days, though my sleep habits aren't great. Because I generally work odd shifts, I am pretty much nocturnal, but I have been for years so its not like that's a sudden change.