View Full Version : What's this?

30-08-16, 14:22
I have shoulder and neck tension, congestion, tension headaches and light lightheadedness all on and off. What is this? We all know I'm worrying about brain tumours...

30-08-16, 14:26
hi helen. I have all those too on and off. I don't have a brain tumour and neither do you.

try and enjoy your day. its lovely here today.

30-08-16, 14:26
Sounds like allergies, lot of it about. I feel the same. Plus worrying about it makes it a million times worse

30-08-16, 15:18
Thank you. Had it for a few weeks on and off is all so was worried.

---------- Post added at 15:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:45 ----------

How would dizziness with a tumour present?

30-08-16, 15:31
It's anxiety.

30-08-16, 15:44
I'm tryin to understand that. Atm it is very hot out and I'm dehydrated so it's normal to feel a bit queasy and woozy right? Grabbed a bottle of water and sitting down.

30-08-16, 16:11
It's not a brain tumour. I'll bet anxiety is causing the shoulder and neck tension, which in turn is ausing the congestion, headaches and light-headedness.

I know this because I've had all these symptoms on and off for years. They're extremely common with anxiety. But my ex-husband had a brain tumour. He didn't get dizziness as such but a major loss of balance which was quite severe to the point he couldn't walk in a straight line. He had lots of other symptoms too and ther was no mistaking them.

Stop worrying and go and do something relaxin and enjoyable. Sure you'll feel better if you do :)

30-08-16, 16:17
I feel terrible today, all tired and dizzy and have done for 4 months on and off. It is 100% down to anxiety, you need to start believing this and you will start feeling better. I promise.

It's a self-perpetuating cycle, you have a bad day, assume its a brain tumour or something equally awful, it makes your anxious which intensifies your symptoms and so on and so on.

Honestly....everything you have points to anxiety. How many things have you been worried about in the last 6 months or whatever it has been? I've never heard of anyone thats had skin cancer, bowel cancer, a brain tumour, schizophrenia, MS, cervical cancer, Lupus etc etc. You would be a medical marvel!

You don't have these things...you have anxiety. Anxiety DOES cause a lot of really shit symptoms. You need to DIAGNOSE YOURSELF (accept it) with Anxiety and then you will get past this.

30-08-16, 16:30
you don't have a brain tumour. i'd bet my house on it.

30-08-16, 16:39
I know its hard....im struggling with a few bits today. Even done a bit of googling but I know in my heart of hearts that I'm ok.

A brain tumour has much worse symptoms than what you are having....you cannot miss it I'm led to believe. I had the BT fear and my neurologist said "youre driving, eating, working, sleeping, living, walking, talking. You don't have brain tumour"

30-08-16, 16:56
I`m not sure if this is any help or a trigger so admin please feel free to delete - a friend of mine died some years back from a brain tumour and had none of the symptoms helenhoo has so far described. I`m not getting into what he did have but believe me you`re looking for symptoms and illnesses that aren`t there. the illness you have is anxiety and its an all pervading heavy cloak of an illness that presents any of dozens of very real feelings, none of which will kill you.

today I`ve got extreme fatigue, back pain, heavy legs, dry mouth, sore eyes and aching joints - but I was landscaping with a friend all weekend and have done too much in hot weather - so I know it will pass.

I`m not lecturing you reb/helen but at some point you`ll realise you`re spending large portions of your life almost hoping to get ill to prove us all wrong, you need to trust what terry and others have told you in the past.

30-08-16, 17:09
Literally could have written then myself! It's a rotton feeling! Invest in white Tiger Balm! It works wonders xx

30-08-16, 17:18
Mrs C - I would definitely go and get professional help if you`re thinking like I do !!

seriously we all spend huge portions of time with this condition and I`m a lot better these days but it`s so hard to believe people when they say one day you will be alright again, you almost think they must have super powers or they weren`t as bad as you are but with practice and the occasional leap of faith things really can get a lot better than you`d ever imagine

30-08-16, 22:00
Thanks for your comments. I was feeling releoced until I realised I had left my clothes shopping st boyfriends factory and immediately jumped into 'FORGETFULNESS IS BRAIN TUMOR' this is second time this week I've done it. He's like 'you're just a clutz'

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---------- Post added at 20:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

Is it?

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 20:29 ----------

So sorry to message again I have read an appreciate all your comments but I'm feeling tension headache and shoulders again making me feel light headed. This is gonna sound ridiculous but dizziness in tumour would be located in brain stem. The location of the ones I feared were frontal and temporal. Why do I know so much? Reading like an idiot.

30-08-16, 22:15
ive had that all day and its made me anxious too. not because of tumours though I just dont like the symptom.

30-08-16, 22:21
I'm only concerns because it's been a few weeks on and off. Haven't paid it too much attention because I was like 'probably tired' 'probably dehydrated' 'periods due' but should I worry because it's been ongoing? I can still walk straight line and heel to toe piece of piss. Is it tension headache if it's mild and at the back over scalp? Wouldn't even call it a headache as such.

Sorry to hear it's been bothering you too.

30-08-16, 22:24
yeah mines like that exactly. my neck and shoulders are tender too. probably because im stressing about my therapy and shrink appointments tomorrow

30-08-16, 22:49
I feel like I want to go docs but I've taken a lot of time off. I then worry that it's serious this time and I could be missing something.


31-08-16, 07:06
It's not, you can't mistake a brain tumour. Multiple doctors have said its not a brain tumour.

31-08-16, 08:27
Thanks but I've not mentioned this new stuff to them so worried