View Full Version : Cherry haemangioma

30-08-16, 23:13
Can anyone tell me if they ever got a cherry haemangioma in their 20's?
I got one a few years ago when I was 20 and everything I've read about them says they can be caused by damaged DNA ( which is my current obsession)
Apparently they don't generally appear till 30's - 40's. I'm feeling very anxious now that I do have premature damaged cells.

31-08-16, 03:43
Yup, me, I remember getting one when i was about 22, but may have even had it earlier. I'm 34 now.

31-08-16, 04:09
May I ask how big your was?... Mine was small but then I squeezed it and it bled like a mother... It ended up being about half a cm

31-08-16, 05:36
Mine is about 1/3 of a cm, or so. I have never squeezed it, but I'm sure it would do the same if I did. Its still here with me. I've had a couple others, but have not paid them too much attention.

31-08-16, 08:12
Thanks for replying

Captain irrational
31-08-16, 08:59
I have a small one, about 1mm. Notied it earlier this year. I'm nearly 26.

I have never heard anything about them being caused by DNA or cell damage. All sources I have read say nobody really knows what causes them, but the important thing to remember is they are completely harmless, and not connected to any health issues.

31-08-16, 09:42
I have loads of tiny ones of these. I'm 27 and noticed them 2-3 years ago.

12-08-18, 05:22
I am 38 and i have cca 15 really very tiny cherry angiomas, especially on my arms and decolt, 2 on my belly and 2 on my leg.dermatologist said completely nothing to worry about.btw my mom has them too..

12-08-18, 05:43
Wait until you are in your 40s. Start collecting them early, and you end up with tons of them. I have so many. No big deal, but I don't like them much either. Totally benign.

bin tenn
12-08-18, 15:25
I'm 31 and have several of these as well, tiny ones. Vast majority of them are on my torso, particularly my lower chest / upper abdomen.