View Full Version : Mouth Cancer Fear - Dark area on XRay

31-08-16, 00:08
I had an emergency appointment at the dentist today, because I had a gum bleed that wouldn't stop until I plugged it.

When there, the dentist took an Xray which showed a black area in the top of my mouth. He didn't say anything, but wants me to go back in a week.
He says I have an infection in the tooth pocket.
He said to use warm salt water and corsodyl and gave me a prescription for antibiotics which I have not got yet and will have trouble with them as I am pill phobia.

And I am now worried, it is cancer. :(

I had a scare last year with my GP, but now the Xray is freaking me out. :scared15: The XRay from 6 months ago was clear with no dark areas on it at all. :(

Since being home, I have felt ill and very, very tired.
I have also found out that a bleed in the mouth can relate to heart issues.
I know, my HA is spiralling out of control, but I can't help it. :(

31-08-16, 00:29
Oh Carnation, I am really sorry. There is nothing worse than the waiting game. However, I don't think he would have said it was an infection if he assumed it was cancer - surely if he assumed that then he wouldn't have you waiting for a week, you would be referred to whoever deals with this sort of thing. Also, warm water & corsodyl will not cure cancer, so I don't think you have much to be worried about. Saying that, I know how easy it is to worry about things like this.

31-08-16, 00:34
He says I have an infection in the tooth pocket.
He said to use warm salt water and corsodyl and gave me a prescription for antibiotics which I have not got yet and will have trouble with them as I am pill phobia.

It's an infection and you NEED antibiotics! Sorry Caration... suck it up, take the pills, get rid of the infection and follow up in a week to ensure all is well. It's NOT cancer for goodness sakes! You have a professional dentist diagnosis!

Positive thoughts

31-08-16, 00:36
Xrays show abscesses and infections, so I'm sure they must have known looking at it. I try to avoid looking at my xrays because I start to wonder myself.

31-08-16, 00:40
I am petrified Pepperpot and I am right in the middle of selling mum's house and all sorts. I have meetings to attend and forms to fill and I can't afford to be ill, there is no-one else to do any of this.

I am trying to keep rational, but with the bleed and the Xray, my mind has gone in to overdrive. :(

---------- Post added at 00:40 ---------- Previous post was at 00:36 ----------

I hear you Fishmanpa.

Thanks Swgrl. It was the fact that he was studying the Xray and going hmmm and not saying anything, but asking me to go back next week.

So does an infection show up as black or is it bone loss, because I have had some bone already eaten away from my bad tooth I had removed last year. :shrug:

31-08-16, 00:47
I don't know honestly, I'm guessing both?

31-08-16, 00:54
That's ok swgrl. x

I'm a bit highly strung at the moment.

Selling the family home and watching my mum deteriorate day by day is killing me!

The dentist actually said I was rundown just by looking at my teeth and gums. :ohmy:

31-08-16, 01:01
Awwww I feel your pain I do. I know what it's like to know you "have" to be in good health to look after someone/sort stuff out. You deffo have an infection - he wouldn't leave you for a week, I mean what is he going to do in this week if you had cancer? x

01-09-16, 11:15
Hi Carnation, sorry you're having a rough time at the moment.. You do sound quite rub down!

I know you have a phobia of medication, but if it comes down to it, you will really have to try and get past this for your health. I'm not saying that you will have to take them as maybe the salt water and corsodyl will work but you may need antibiotics? A girl at work had an infected wisdom tooth and tried the salt water for a week, but it kept coming back so she needed antibiotics (and also got the tooth removed).

I know it's not a nice prospect and of course the X-ray will be worrying you, but not everything means cancer. From a non health anxiety sufferer, I don't quite understand how everything wrong means it's cancer? There could be hundred of things, so try to not focus on the worst fear.

The dentist probably wants you to go back in a week because that's how long a course of antibiotics takes? For him to see that it has cleared up?

01-09-16, 11:34
Yes, I don't know where this HA has come from with me.
I never used to be like it. Maybe it's from to many visits to the hospitals and care homes and my parents being poorly; who knows?

The salt and corsodyl is working well atm, I hope it continues.
I have a lot of problems with my gums and they do tend to flare up when I am run down amongst other things.

01-09-16, 12:39
I understand how you feel believe me. An xray at dentists 2 weeks ago showed receding gums and I had a hideous 'de scale' with 8 injections. My teeth are a bit loose at the front now and quite painful. Also still bleeding. I have now found a lump in my cheek and am terrified of mouth cancer (it's been there just over a week). Health Anxiety kicking off and I can feel it spiralling out of control.
I am sure your dentist/doctor knows what they are looking for and it is an infection so please try and accept that. I know how hard it is xx

01-09-16, 14:57
He is monitoring your response in resolving the infection. Unlike GP's, who tell you to come back if still ill, dentists tend to be more proactive in wanting to make sure. That's a good thing.

Dentists are adept at using X-Ray, if he had any doubt he would have referred you. Cancer diagnosis has a target which they are expected to achieve. He is likely to have seen many infections in his time, they are so commonly a reason for a trip to the dentist.

Get lots & lots of vitamin C. This helps fight infection. Animals increase the rate at which they naturally produce it when ill, humans have lost that capability.

I think you need to take the antibiotics but ramping up your vitamin C will only help and may get rid of an infection. I've managed to get rid of a few infections this way. With chest infections, I would have always needed antibiotics in the past. I'm not saying do this instead.

I think we can understand why HA people jump to conclusions of cancer or brain tumour if you think about this being about the fight or flight system. It looks for threats. What threat is a cold or a sore throat when it can be cancer? Think of it like with intrusive thoughts, which typically focus on the things we are most afraid of. Intrusive thoughts do that to ensure a big fear reaction. That reinforces the need for them to exist.

Remove the fear reaction to cancer flashing through your mind when ill and you don't have an anxiety disorder. I don't have HA but I get those flashes occasionally BUT I don't react to them. Beating my intrusive thoughts (twice now) is the same, I don't react and they just flash through.

You can do this, Carnation. :hugs::flowers: You don't have to feel ill and an infection may not stop your work anyway, my infected tooth didn't make me feel ill but it was painful.

03-09-16, 10:14
How are you getting on with this, Carnation?

Those kiwi fruits you just mentioned to Mojo are still in season. I started adding them to my smoothies when I last had a throat infection (on pulisa's advice) and I've kept them in ever since. I found you need something to take the edge of the acidity though as they are quite sharp. Strawberries, raspberries, etc seem to do the trick nicely. And strawberries are full of vitamin C, and are still in season.

03-09-16, 10:58
Thanks for asking Terry. x

I put the kiwis on the Tesco delivery for today, along with some raspberries, mango and plums. Intending to make a fruit salad. :)

I made a chicken casserole which was very comforting, especially as I can't chew very well at the moment. :( It's so difficult to eat on one side of the mouth.

The infection actually spread to ALL the gums and I have also had problems with my stomach and boughs, so I am beginning to think it is definitely a case of being run-down. It surprised me when the dentist said this to me; straight away.

I went to get the antibiotics anyway, then got horrified when the pharmacist told me to take care as they can really upset the stomach. :scared15: Why did have to go and say that? I've already got what sounds like a brass band playing in there, let alone the acid that keeps chucking around in my body and very loose stools for the past week.
So that was that. Back to natural remedies. Which have been working, but slowly.

I've been using warm salt water rinses, corsodyl, manuka honey and paracetemol.
I've taken more rest as well and had my first good night's sleep in a few weeks now. :yesyes:

I have not been giving myself any time or rest for a long time now.
Plus the emotions of mum and constant visits to the home and selling the house and clearing it, hassle with everyone I am dealing with, I could go on forever!
The worry of no fixed abode as I was originally living with mum and I am currently living in Mr C's mum's house which we have to leave immediately if she passes away.
So it is important now that we find a home for mine and Mr C's future, otherwise we will be 'shit street'. So much going on and to worry about.
So we are doing a move up to the coast as well and will have to see if we can move mum. The car needs fixing and Mr C is not too well either and his mum is suffering a bad bout of depression; oh my!! :(

No wonder I am run-down. :(((

Bet you wish you hadn't asked now. :D x

Andrea, thanks for taking the time to post.
I had 8 injections last year with a tooth extraction and then got a gum infection afterwards which seem to go on and on.
I always worry about the bleeding when brushing, but everything I have read says to still keep brushing and cleaning the area. Do you use corsodyl?
Could the lump in the cheek come from an infection where it infected?
I can see quite clearly that some of teeth have grown in size due to the gum line receding, but my dad said to keep your real teeth as long as possible.

At least we can compare notes. :)