View Full Version : Constant neck pain

31-08-16, 09:58
I'm pretty confident this has come from years of bad posture. From the side view my neck is really out of alignment with my spine. I look like I'm craning my neck forward but I'm not. I also have a small bump on my very upper back/lower neck.

I've been to my GP about this in the past but I didn't specifically mention my neck and I was told my back is all good etc.

However it's now getting to the point where it's really affecting my life. My neck hurts all the time unless I'm walking, I can't walk constantly. In bed I have to toss and turn due to it until I fall asleep. I have a neck pillow thing that has prevented me from waking up in agony like I used to but it doesn't stop my neck pain it just prevents it worsening whilst asleep.

It's causing me to feel tension all over my temples, jaw and throat etc. I don't know what to do. Exercising really hurts too and everything pulls my neck even when I know I'm not pulling it myself. Washing the dishes over the sink really hurts

I get mild headaches very often too even though I never used to get headaches ever. I've had it around a year now. (Think I first noticed it when I strained it washing my hair in the bath).

I'm at the doctors in around 3 weeks, but in the meantime any suggestions? The pain isn't bad enough to take painkillers. It's not agony just makes me miserable as it's almost constant.

31-08-16, 10:20
I would suggest you see a physiotherapist. I have the same problem and see a physio every 4 weeks to keep it right. Back and neck massage would help too. You could probably massage the back of your neck yourself but a physio is the best advise.

31-08-16, 10:47
Thanks very much for responding Annie. I'm not sure how I'd get to see one, wonder if my GP will refer me

31-08-16, 10:52
Your gp could refer you. I see a private one but they are about £40 a session. What area of the country are you? (I am a holistic therapist and would do a neck massage for free if you lived in my area).

31-08-16, 11:11
I live in the North East Annie. Probably miles away ha.
I will discuss it with the GP as I can't afford to go private.

Do you know if there is any way my posture could be corrected? It makes me really self conscious as I'm starting to look like somewhat of a hunchback. My own fault of course I have self esteem issues and am always hunching my shoulders and when out alone in public I've noticed I look at the ground. I've done this for at least a decade probably longer. I'm also on my phone most of the day as I find it difficult going out without another adult so just spend my days surfing the web.

31-08-16, 11:21
Hi KeeKee, it is definitely something that can be fixed. It's going to take some time though. A Physio will defintely help with this. I used to do a simple posture fixing set of exercises on a daily basis (I should really start again) but I cannot find the link at the moment. If I can I'll post it.

31-08-16, 11:27
I have sent you a pm keekee. Pilates is very good for posture but classes are about £7 per hour.

31-08-16, 11:34
Thank you Kuatir.
It's good to know it can eventually be fixed. I guess it will be really hard though as I'll need to get out of the habit of looking downwards etc. I'm painfully self conscious though and I'd rather just stay indoors than have to look straight ahead when people are walking past me. It's such a nightmare. I want to get out of the habit of being on my phone a lot though anyway as I also get eye strain.

---------- Post added at 11:34 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

Thank you Annie :-)

I wouldn't be able to attend the classes as I'm painfully self conscious (can't tie my hair up in front of people and don't like any skin on show so I'll only exercise in the comfort of my own home when nobody else is around) but I do have a pilates DVD at home. When my money is sorted I'll invest in a better mat as I get bruises on my hips and sides from the toughness of my floor when I do my DVD's. I also have a yoga one if that's any good.

31-08-16, 14:18
I've suffered with neck and back problems which I persevered with for many years mainly due to bad posture I recently went to see a private chiropractor which helped immensely what really amazed me was that the chiropractor was able to tell me exactly where the pain was without me saying anything by just pushing on certain points.
I was referred to a physio by my gp but all they did was give me exercise sheets to do at home which was not very helpful so i would say if you can go private but beware a private physio or chiropractor can be quite pricey. All the best

31-08-16, 16:12
Thank you Kuatir.
I want to get out of the habit of being on my phone a lot though anyway as I also get eye strain.

We always look down at our phones. Try to get in the habit of holding the phone up to your face. It feels un-natural and I still don't do it automatically, but it does help. If I forget my neck definitely reminds me!

31-08-16, 16:24
Oh my goodness, can I relate to this!!! I'm seeing a new chiropractor this weekend and hoping for some help. I can empathize with tossing and turning, constant pain, etc. Ice and massage has been my best friend. I also use arnica cream for pain relief.

31-08-16, 17:21
Thanks for the replies everybody. I think I'll mention it to my doctor again but specifically mention my neck and see if i can get referred somewhere.

It's so bad I can no longer stand straight against a wall and when I look up at the sky my neck feels like it's touching my back and it hurts.