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View Full Version : Fingers crossed

24-03-07, 23:08
Hi just wanted to revisit since it has been few months ago I was on the site. Just to recap my story. Met a lovely man about 2 yrs ago who was very straight and upfront with me about his depression - which we later figured out with the help of this site was probably because of his panic and anxiety and that part was never really diagnosed by doctors.! Fast forward about a year and a few months after being friends for quite sometime when things finally fell into place we decided feelings were more than friendship and decided to meet. Not an easy task as he lives miles and miles and miles away infact about 4 and half hours drive! So bit the bullet and finally met. We have not looked back from there. Five more months down the track we are celebrating our fifth month of being together - might be tiny for some but for us a huge thing. I think Keith never dreamed of having a relationship last when all he felt was depression and anxiety at every turn. About the same time we met I found this site and it has been a constant source of great information and support to me and then to Keith when he felt ready to deal with things. I basically wanted to say thank you yet again to the wonderful people from this site. If it wasnt for their great information and the support from all those that come on here I wouldnt have been fortunate enough to be able to support Keith. The info about the Vitamins did the trick no end and his Multi B and Omega 3 that he takes have allowed him that edge to taking back control. Sure he is not totally free of panic and anxiety - 14 yrs of that will take more than a few months to change. But these days he has no more massive panics, no more clouds or fogs as he calls it and no more constant days and nights of anxiety. What once used to cause him days of worry is dealt with in a matter of hours , what once used to have him shy away from doing he is finding his feet to enable him to deal and cope with things again. Sure he still has many times he feels anxiety and feels down but the strength with which these comes has decreased so much its amazing. So again to all of you thank you - its with your support and help that I am able to support and help and for that Keith and I are forever greatful. I hope that I will be coming on to say this again in another six months to report a whole year of no massive attacks so for now I have my fingers crossed. All the best to all of you x laney

24-03-07, 23:12
what a gorgeous story, i wish you all the happiness in the world.. to the both of you

24-03-07, 23:16
Thats brilliant,best of luck to both of you.:hugs: :hugs:

25-03-07, 00:01
Awwww Laney:yesyes:

I hope You and Keith have a magical future together!!!!!:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

25-03-07, 14:31

Aww that is so lovely to read. :hugs:

Thanks for coming back to share and I hope things continue to improve for you both.

Take care and I wish you both a happy future together.

25-03-07, 14:44
Hi Laney

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!!!!!!!!

It's so good to hear things are really lookig so positive for you both. How wonderful that you re both looking forward - not back.

Great that you've shared your positive news with NMP - it helps everyone to know there IS a bright, bright light at the end of what sometimes feels like a very dark tunnel.

Sending you more positive thoughts for the future.

Take care
