View Full Version : hi everyone =)

24-03-07, 23:10
hiya, i think i am really starting to like this forum already! it's got much more character than most anxiety forums and i love the games section and chat rooms! and this smiley - :flowers:

anywho, about me! Well, i'm 21 - nearly 22 - and a guy, I live in Orpington which is Kent (in the UK) and my anxiety kinda makes my head usually quite hazy, nervous and susceptable to panic... i find it hard to relax at the moment and am usually tense :(

it's not very nice as it really started while i was at uni with too much stress and things, and both my parents are quite stressed busy people and that made me worry more and feel more on edge and tense.

the thing is that by nature i am actually quite happy-go-lucky and i really love just experiencing things and seeing the world and enjoying life. I love hot weather and natural surroundings, I have a quite a hippy side in me! I really like groups and charities working for good things like CND and Greenpeace and Amnesty and things, and support them when I can. I also love ethical and environmentally friendly living and fair trade. I'm not veggie at the moment though... maybe later... i love true organic food though it's gorgeous :)

what else... I love learning about politics and conspiracy theories too, linux computing... i love music (quite a wide range but recently lots of ska punk and world music... and 60s stuff and kinda artistic light rock too, as well as sometimes soothing music like oriental and meditative... it depends on my mood i guess). I really want to learn the trombone or sax or something so i can play some Less Than Jake :)

I also like talking too much... hehe :) I have quite an interest in anthropology (actually was doing it at uni until i had to drop out due to anxiety) and eastern religions such as taoism and love things like tai chi and meditation.

ok, i'm going to stop now! thanks for reading and i look forward to getting to know you all!

Hoppi :byebye:

24-03-07, 23:25
Hi and :welcome: You will get lots of support here and advise.You will also make lots of great friends.:yesyes:

24-03-07, 23:58
Hi Ya

We met earlier in chat but a big warm welcome to you!!!!

This site is the best ever!!!!!:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-03-07, 10:37
You're very welcome Hoppi. Look forward to chatting some time.

25-03-07, 12:11
Hi Hoppi,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

25-03-07, 13:05
Hi Hoppi,

welcome to you, are you running on linux? I'm trying kubuntu linux, its quite good.

25-03-07, 14:19
Hi Hoppi

We met in chat last night so a warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get some great support and advice on here.

Pink Princess
25-03-07, 18:43
hey welcome to the site, hope to speak soon. take kare xxxxxxxxxxx

25-03-07, 20:26
thanks everyone! i didn't expect so many replies! so friendly here ^_^

and yeah eastender i am usually on lin hehe - ubuntu at the moment but i have kubuntu installed as the KDE apps like Kopete and amaroK tend to be quite a bit better than their Gnome equivalents these days so I use them :) have you been using it for long?

it was great meeting some of you in chat too ^_^

25-03-07, 21:10

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

26-03-07, 15:56
Hi Hoppi and welcome!

Good to hear from someone who's passionate about the environment: I try to do my bit wherever I can and am a rather lazy member of Amnesty! I agree with you about organic produce-while they haven't proven it's better for you, the fruit and veg taste so much nicer and juicier!

Sorry to hear about you dropping out of uni: I had to come home from uni last year with anxiety and at the time thought I would never return. After a horrible year, I'm now much stronger and looking forward to returning after Easter, having been on leave of absence. Hope that you conquer your panic too and are able to pursue your dreams without it interfering in your life!


27-03-07, 03:12
thanks trac and sarah! :)

thanks for giving me a bit of hope about uni too sarah, and that's so cool you like organic food and amnesty and things! i really wish i could do more to support them but my anxiety limits me so much ._. when i'm better i will be such a crazy activist lol

what were you doing at uni? and where were you studying? i hope everything goes really well for you :)

27-03-07, 17:11
welcome hopi. didnt get the computer talk between you and eastender at all lol.

29-03-07, 16:11
A huge welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to have you on board x

31-03-07, 17:50
Hi :) i am Rachel from suffolk, also a new person on this site

i just wanted to wish you a warm welcome.... i have found the people here to be very supportive and welcoming

Glad you are here too :)