View Full Version : Hi. I want to help myself

31-08-16, 21:28
I've often come across this forum in the past while frantically googling things to either confirm or contradict my panic, and have never quite managed to sign up for whatever reason, but I'm here now and here's my story.

I'm 31, and for as long as I can remember I've been anxious. I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Emetophobia simultaneously about 8-10 years ago and an intensive course of CBT, while helpful, still did not vanquish my anxious tendencies.

Over the past four years though, my anxiety has really started to build, leaning towards health anxiety. I believe the trigger for this was my Dad's unexpected death in 2012. He'd just been given the all-clear after battling cancer for a year, and was doing really well. He had a sudden stroke and never woke up and it broke me into bits. Since then I feel constantly on edge that something very bad is just waiting around the corner for me.

I Google everything. From the fact I always seem to have an elevated heart rate, to the fact I always seem to have a higher temp than my husband. I'm always tense and I don't sleep well. I've somehow bumbled by until now, but I realised something today; my 18 month old son has started to notice I behave differently when I'm anxious. He gets agitated, and I can't let it carry on, I completely refuse to let my anxiety impact him; I love him more than anything else in this world and I only want him to be happy and I want to do all I can to protect him from the agony of anxiety.

So here I am. I don't even know where to start, but I'm desperate. My GP won't refer me for any type of talking therapy because I've already had it. I've been on antidepressants for over a decade and I'm fed up of being a slave to my every paranoia.

If you're still reading...thank you. Another of my anxieties is being convinced nobody likes me (even my husband who's been with me for 12 years. It's challenging).

31-08-16, 21:34
Hiya Katkat and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

06-09-16, 16:50
Good morning Katkat. I read your post and I totally understand where your coming from. I am a long time sufferer of anxiety and panic and seem to have gone through various phases of anxiety from travel to health anxiety. I am not a health professional or therapist, just a fellow sufferer. All I can suggest is what works for me.
After years of hiding and internalizing my suffering. Things finally came to a head a few years back. Through my internalizing of things I actually ended up with stress induced heart issues. Long story short, what finally eased my mind was opening up about my fears and learning to trust. Part of the problem I think I see is a lack of self esteem, Lord knows I don't have much. But through learning to let go and trust, I live a fairly stress free life now. It's not perfect, just much better.
I hope these words help, NMP has some great helps and people who listen and understand. Best to you Katkat on your journey.

06-09-16, 17:13
New to group and just read your post.
So sorry to hear about the passing of your dad.
Having a life changing event like that and knowing your trigger helps to understand but not always fix the problem.
Reading posts from others help me knowing I'm not alone, not crazy, and not dying..one breath at a time (deep breath).
Read articles, posts, etc..and rest when you can

07-09-16, 14:00

10-09-16, 19:30
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

29-09-16, 02:33
Hi katkat!
I'm sorry to hear about your dad passing, that is a very sad turn of events :(
I just wanted to make a quick note in regards to your comment about your GP. Not sending you for therapy just because you have had it before is a load of crock if you ask me. Their job as a doctor is to provide you with the help you need. I honestly would seek out someone else if you can, or perhaps a support group in your area? You are entitled to get the help you deserve and have every right to be supported by your GP. Please go back and talk to them and if that doesn't work, seek out a second opinion. You are a wonderful person, 8 can tell. Keep up the great work!