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View Full Version : The scope of anxiety-caused symptoms

31-08-16, 22:23
Just how wide is the range of physical symptoms caused by anxiety? I mean, can people like us who suffer from HA attribute just about everything to it?

I've been working hard to come to terms with this, as well as re-starting medication, and the main symptom I experienced (tingling, pain etc in my lower leg) is as relieved as it has been for years. In it's place though has emerged new symptoms, in particular tired, aching arms. I first noticed this when shaving and it has got progressively worse over the past couple of weeks. I've had to stop typing a couple of times already in this post.

In my this has been caused by one of three things:

1) something benign like my sleeping position
2) anxiety
3) ALS/MND/MD/Parkinson's etc

I'm fighting the urge to jump to 3 and turn to Dr Google for confirmation but my real question is:

Have other posters experienced anything similar, ie a new symptom starting up as soon as one seems to be in retreat, almost like our minds choose a new method of attack?

31-08-16, 23:47
The scope of somatic anxiety symptoms is incredibly broad. I have suffered from the following (sometimes all at once sometimes not)

-pressure in cranium
-weak arms and legs
-bowl issues
-mental fatigue
-random pains throughout my body. Examples are neck, shoulders, lower back, middle back, leg, arms and head.

And I'm just one person. I also noticed you mentioned that you started taking medication again. These medications have their own set of symptoms, tiredness being one of them. I completely understand how hard it is to tell yourself that it's all just a manifestation of your anxiety. I'm dealing with this right now myself. No matter what there's always something in the back of my head that won't let me think logically when it pertains to my health. I have been seeing a therapist lately who is helping me with cbt, and it seems to be working pretty well. It doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a shot.

01-09-16, 10:05
Hi Drisque,

Thanks for responding. The way I feel is that I get on top of one symptom and come round to thinking it is likely caused by anxiety the something else starts up. At that point I have to go through the who process of battling the "but this is another thing that points to MS, ALS etc and maybe the first thing wasn't anxiety after all" thoughts.

I feel at that point I'm back asking if people have suffered something similar and don't want to annoy other posters but it helps enormously to know that what I'm experiencing can be caused my anxiety. It allows me to reset and say "all these things are a result of anxiety, let's deal with the anxiety".

I know all about the random pains. Last year I felt like someone was sticking pins in a voodoo doll version of me.

I did some CBT with a counsellor last year and need to get back to those exercises because they helped.

In terms of medication I've been on 20mg of Prozac a day for the past three weeks. It's the fourth time I've been on it but the first time I've been bothered with side-effects. I'm struggling to sleep, particularly to get back to sleep if I wake up in the night, and have been experiencing diarrhea. I noticed fatigue is another possible side effect and the tired arms started around the same time. I have to follow up with my GP in the next week so will raise these issues with her.

01-09-16, 10:56

The tired arms could well be from the prozac. I've been increasingly tired since starting venlafaxine even though my anxiety has reduced.

Also, yes I would say that one symptom can disappear and another pop in to take it's place. Happens to me all the time.

For instance I had weeks where my main issue was a thumping heart. It would keep me awake and was just horrible. Then it just seemed to stop. But then something else becomes obvious like tingling in my hands and feet or dizziness. They seem to rotate in a way and the more attention you pay to a symptom the worse it gets

It helps to just acknowledge it but not give any emotion/fear to it. So instead of thinking ' Oh no! I'm feeling very weak. This is horrible!' just think. 'I am feeling weak today' and move on.

Hard to do but every time you do it is a step in the right direction.

01-09-16, 20:47

The tired arms could well be from the prozac. I've been increasingly tired since starting venlafaxine even though my anxiety has reduced.

Also, yes I would say that one symptom can disappear and another pop in to take it's place. Happens to me all the time.

For instance I had weeks where my main issue was a thumping heart. It would keep me awake and was just horrible. Then it just seemed to stop. But then something else becomes obvious like tingling in my hands and feet or dizziness. They seem to rotate in a way and the more attention you pay to a symptom the worse it gets

It helps to just acknowledge it but not give any emotion/fear to it. So instead of thinking ' Oh no! I'm feeling very weak. This is horrible!' just think. 'I am feeling weak today' and move on.

Hard to do but every time you do it is a step in the right direction.

I know exactly what you mean about rotating symptoms and their severity feeding off attention.

And thanks for the advice about acknowledging but not submitting to them.

01-09-16, 23:25
The range of symptoms is incredible!
It's not necessarily your anxiety that's 'causing them all. It's the tension from your body - caused by your anxiety - that causes them.
I suffered from really sore legs for a few weeks, which I'm pretty sure aren't caused by my mind, but from my body being so tense all the time.
Sometimes it's just a knock on effect of one thing causing another.
But ultimately they all stem from anxiety

01-09-16, 23:28
The scope of anxiety caused symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
01-09-16, 23:53
That's a nice comprehensive list. I've felt many symptoms over the years that I just "knew" couldn't be anxiety rather than something deeper. Well, it was. I remove stressors when possible, I change my thought process, and what do you know - no more of those symptoms I could've sworn were sinister!

07-09-16, 03:14
The scope of anxiety caused symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Positive thoughts

Thanks Fish. Just seeing your reply now as I've been laid low by a bug I picked up at nursery via my son. I say a bug but of course I've self-diagnosed as E Coli and all manner of other things!

Nervous jen
07-09-16, 06:14
Just saw this post. I too suffer from physical symptoms of anxiety. Fatigue body ache all over weakness in extremities feeling like I'm in a dream mental fog went through this for a yr swore I had everything under the sun. I told the doctor your wrong this cannot be anxiety I'm sick or something people don't hurt this bad with anxiety. Turns out after a million test EKG blood work thyroid check MRI tests for arthritis lupus sjogrens etc I went to a psychiatrist and he prescribed celexa. I was hesitant at first even tried to check myself in to mental hospital after being yelled at by oncall residents psych docs I was told to effin go home take the damn medicine like I was told too and up it to 20 mgs after a week sure enough by George after 3 weeks boom I was getting better and all my symptoms went away. Was on the meds for 5 yrs did great. Tapered off 8 months ago bam back to where I was back then it is anxiety and I have to start all over again with the meds. But believe me when I tell you there are over 100 symptoms of anxiety and I get every one of them. I'm not a doctor but trust me when I say your mind can make you feel like your paralyzed tingly numb face is numb dry mouth pain everywhere. Its anxiety I hope you Work this out and get better. In my opinion its anxiety

07-09-16, 17:12
Try the twitching all over random places of the body. Everyday for months. I try to stay positive but it is hard. I'm also suffering from mild chest pains every now and then but had doctors say my heart is fine. And stomach issues.

07-09-16, 18:19
I have most definitely experienced arm weakness with Prozac. I've seen a few posts here about Prozac causing muscle weakness or easily fatigued muscle, so I think it's definitely a legit side effect.

08-09-16, 00:44
I have most definitely experienced arm weakness with Prozac. I've seen a few posts here about Prozac causing muscle weakness or easily fatigued muscle, so I think it's definitely a legit side effect.

Thanks Marissav. I ended up getting a repeat prescription because I was too ill (non-anxiety related) to attend my follow up GP appointment. I will make another appointment if the side effects continue.

I've not actually taken any pills for four days because I've not been able to keep anything down. Now experiencing awful nighttime anxiety and insomnia so not sure if it might be withdrawal or just the effects of a fairly horrendous few days on my mind and body.