View Full Version : Have bailed out of holiday :(

eternally optimistic
01-09-16, 08:24

I havent posted in ages, which is probably a good thing, reflecting
I've been doing good.

Today, though, I have decided not to take a week's holiday overseas, shortish flight and I am in the dog house!!!!:mad:

I am doing right by me, I dont want to have a nervous breakdown away and I feel so relieved I'm not going, despite the friction it will cause by
being at home.

I've gone passed the stage of worrying about letting others down, which is probably not good - although, I am always worrying about others in my family, how they are etc etc, so, I dont feel too bad.

Anyone who reads this will probably think Ive made my mind up and job done, she's happy, but I will beat myself up along with the other person due to go with me. So, although it sounds I am right in my mind, there will be regrets.

Sat at work, needing to get this off my chest..

thanks if you have read.

01-09-16, 09:57
OK. Firstly, you did the right thing for you and how you feel.
You are obviously not ready for that challenge and you are protecting your wellness, which is what anxiety sufferers do.

I've done it myself, 3 times in all.

You will know when you are ready or even want to challenge yourself when you feel a bit stronger. It's not the end of the world, there will be many other opportunities.
And, it is only natural to feel disappointed and down about it, but it will pass. It's not the end of the world. And how about substituting with some days out or a meal out one evening.

01-09-16, 12:36
I know how you feel as beating yourself up over the thing you've not done is just terrible. You feel like you've let yourself down and failed miserably. However, as important as it is to not give into anxiety, sometimes we just need a break from pushing through all the time. There will be plenty of other opportunities and if you're not ready for the holiday overseas yet, then you're not ready, and that's it. :)

03-09-16, 10:54
Hi if u had broken your leg, developed a chest infection etc would you have gone, no you wouldn't would you.
Would you have berated yourself because you couldn't go, of course you wouldn't, I'm not saying sotometimes we have to push ourselves to do things that make us uncomfortable but this is something at the moment you feel you cannot do, fine.
Do you think mental health issue's are not on a par with physical ailments or as bad if not worse, just because it can't be seen or heard doesn't make it any the less a very debilitating illnesses.
You are right in doing what's best for you at the moment and sometimes doing things on the spur of the moment works better for us.
If you still have the time off then do something for yourself ie day at health spa/facial/hairdo etc.
Unoumero or something like that

03-09-16, 14:38
The things we regret the most in life are not the chances we took and failed, they are the the chances we didn't take for fear of failing.

Positive thoughts

eternally optimistic
10-09-16, 15:12
Hi all.

Thank you all for your lovely words.

Dose of diazepam for flight n I made it. Apart from flight, the main worry I had was having a break down abroad BUT it didn't happen and I made it back.

I did cancel hotel so was deadly serious about not going but pulled it off.

There is hope for us to achieve what ever goals we have.

10-09-16, 15:16
What a fantastic and inspiring post! I'm due to go on holiday in 4 weeks and I'm getting worried because I had to cancel the last one in May so I really want to go on this one. I can't let my son down again. How did you convince yourself to go?

eternally optimistic
10-09-16, 18:30
Hi Mojo,

I missed a holiday in 2007, my kids were young then and my husband went on his own, poor guy.

You go and reason what can go wrong.

Best wishes.


03-10-16, 13:25
This happened to me in 2014, paid deposit, got down the line and I just could not face it, so I cancelled it, 3 upset kids and a mardy wife.... but they understood....
I'm actually going tomorrow..... yes im going, and im sh***ing myself.... ive got this far, I cant pull out now.