View Full Version : International travel brings on panic

01-09-16, 10:20
Hi there, I'm wondering if others have this problem...day to day I'm fine but as soon as I book a trip away I start to panic. I'm going to Australia tomorrow with my husband...its only a 4 hour flight, but I'm already anxious...and the anxiety is not about the flying but I'm anticipating that I'll panic about being there and not being able to get home.
I find that thinking 'if it gets too bad I can come home '(theres like 4 flights a day), and' its only a short flight,', helps... but I also want to stop thinking like that and actually enjoy the trip...we are only staying for 2 nights and it frustrates me to think I'm going to waste it by being anxious the whole time...any advice?

01-09-16, 10:26
Hiya amdj100 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-09-16, 23:37
I am in a similar situation, Im from Mexico and in a week i will travel to London in a 11 hours flying and stat one week there.
My strategy is taking Bromazepam in the flight and in the nights and cognitive tools like Claire Weekes said, and you, what is your stretagy?

02-09-16, 09:47
Amdj100. This is my first ever post on NMP and I am doing it because I was desperately searching for some evidence that I'm not the only person n the world to suffer from "travel anxiety". I have been suffering on and off with this type of GAD for about 30 years. I thought I had overcome it about ten years ago and travelled relatively calmly up,to this year. I am heading to,Italy on Monday - to a place I know well - and I have spent the last ten days in a state of dread and near constant anxiety and panic. I cannot eat, I tingle in my hands and feet, my eyes are cold and twitch and I can settle to anything or concentrate for more than ten minutes. I have learnt the hard way that self medicating with alcohol is counter-productive but a glass or two with dinner is ok. I take 250mcg Xanax if I get too bad and /or at night to give my brain a chance to switch off. Finally this year I started to do a lot of research/reading around anxiety and it has definitely begun to help. I am so relieved to know that a) I'm not alone b) I'm not going mad nor am I in danger c) these are all thoughts and feelings and the result of the emotional side if my brain firing off too much adrenaline and cortisol because it thinks I'm in a dangerous situation. It's a vicious circle. Trying to run or escape from the anxiety won't work. I am still in a state of total,panic about leaving my comfort zone (home) and even though I'm going to somewhere I know, there are about 4 days to be silent in a new location and I think that's what is sending me into overdrive. I know I'm rambling a bit here but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.

03-09-16, 01:07
Thank you, do you have any kind of therapy and you have any tips for the flying?, regards