View Full Version : 20 y.o. female, looking for mates on Steam and FB

01-09-16, 12:39
Hey, guys :) Hope everyone is having a great day!
I'm a 20 year old female. Currently live in Australia, but have Russian background. Recently started playing Left4Dead2 on Steam, so if anyone else is playing, would love to play together :)
looking for mates, so anyone who's keen for a chat, can Facebook/Whatsapp/Viber/Skype/Telegram/Twitter/Instagram me (YEah, I need to cut down on social media a bit)

01-09-16, 19:19
Hey, guys :) Hope everyone is having a great day!
I'm a 20 year old female. Currently live in Australia, but have Russian background. Recently started playing Left4Dead2 on Steam, so if anyone else is playing, would love to play together :)
looking for mates, so anyone who's keen for a chat, can Facebook/Whatsapp/Viber/Skype/Telegram/Twitter/Instagram me (YEah, I need to cut down on social media a bit)

Hey! I'm 20 year old female too! I have steam, but sadly i don't have left4dead2, once i'm not poor, i may invest! i also have facebook, whatsapp etc so if you'd like to add me, feel free to message me and i'll give you my users etc :)

05-09-16, 01:05
Drop me a PM, I'm into computer gaming but sadly don't have any friends that have computers that can run the games I play so would love to play with ya. I don't have LFD2, but it's something I could get :)

05-09-16, 10:03
Hey, im a pretty big gamer so on steam alot. Drop me a PM with your steam id and i'll friend you on there :)

Invite is to all gamers on here

Perhaps we should start a steam group?

---------- Post added at 10:03 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

O, couple of free games that i play,



09-09-16, 11:07
I have loads of games but don't play a lot as don't know anyone who does and I'm not the best at being social with random people. I have left4dead 1 and 2 but haven't tried them before! Anyone can PM if they want to play.

17-09-16, 09:12
I too have... a lot of a games on Steam (and quite a few on Origin, GoG and UPlay too). I guess that gives people a very clear idea of how I spend my free time eh? :P

I'm not usually a big fan of interacting with random people, but given that we're all in a similar situation, hopefully it will work out well. A Steam group wouldn't be a bad idea either - if enough people are interested of course.

So, if you'd like another name to add to your friends list that there's a slim chance you might interact with, think of me and pm me asking for my Steam username.

20-09-16, 11:34
I'll set one up and get a link up :)

04-10-16, 14:58
I've setup the group 'No-More-Panic' on there, if you wanna put your usernames on here or drop them to me via PM i'll add you to the group.

I didn't want to make it public group so people are comfortable with who's in there. Can always change that at any time.

04-10-16, 15:03
Anyone play Rocket League?

We should do some 2 v 2. :)

04-10-16, 15:07
I don't but ping me your Steam ID and i'll add you in the group. Sure if we can get enough people in most games will be covered.

If folks want to use voice coms theres some free choices,


14-11-16, 21:29
Thanks to Mike83 for making me aware of this thread, I posted looking to make a clan with people on here but didn't check to see if a thread already existed. I play loads of Steam games, War Thunder is my current fav, and it's free.
The good thing about playing free game together is we can create a separate Steam account for them and remain totally anonymous.

There are quite a few free games around, some really high quality ones too. Using discord is a good idea, I do have a Steam group of my own with over 100 members and lots of servers, so I can make a private 20 person Teamspeak server very easily.

I wouldn't join a "no more panic" Steam group though. As you may understand I'd like to keep this totally separate from my usual Steam "friends", you know how cruel internet gamers can be.

p.m. me anytime to talk further about this.


17-11-16, 11:31
Add me.


18-11-16, 12:56

I'm afraid i'm mostly a blizzard games player these days but have been tinkering with Civ 6 on steam, feel free to add me and mention nmp.

18-11-16, 16:55
Tried to add you but Steam said this: "Your account does not meet the requirements to use this feature. Visit Steam Support for more information".


I'm afraid i'm mostly a blizzard games player these days but have been tinkering with Civ 6 on steam, feel free to add me and mention nmp.

18-11-16, 18:54
Tried to add you but Steam said this: "Your account does not meet the requirements to use this feature. Visit Steam Support for more information".

Might be something to do with not having spent any money on your account, you only have one free game on it? Or maybe because his profile is private.

18-11-16, 21:46
could be because its set to private, I will change it, its certainly not a money issue, valve has had plenty of my £ :)
will message you.

19-11-16, 22:57
Steam says it's because I have to spend at least $5 to be allowed to add friends and message people.:blush:

could be because its set to private, I will change it, its certainly not a money issue, valve has had plenty of my £ :)
will message you.

29-11-16, 11:25
Sorry been awol for a few weeks.

I'll log in tonight and see if i can get people added.

Group is set to private so wont find it in the search

---------- Post added at 11:25 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Thanks to Mike83 for making me aware of this thread, I posted looking to make a clan with people on here but didn't check to see if a thread already existed. I play loads of Steam games, War Thunder is my current fav, and it's free.
The good thing about playing free game together is we can create a separate Steam account for them and remain totally anonymous.

There are quite a few free games around, some really high quality ones too. Using discord is a good idea, I do have a Steam group of my own with over 100 members and lots of servers, so I can make a private 20 person Teamspeak server very easily.

I wouldn't join a "no more panic" Steam group though. As you may understand I'd like to keep this totally separate from my usual Steam "friends", you know how cruel internet gamers can be.

p.m. me anytime to talk further about this.


Sent you an invite :yesyes:

04-12-16, 23:55
Hi I have left4dead 1 and 2 tho ive not really played them much but would like to, I sent an IM to be added to the steam group too, but if anyone wants to add me on steam my username is Meowsters Teskat

eight days a week
03-02-17, 17:35
I've PMed a couple of folk so hopefully someone will add me to the group too :)

I don't play multiplayer much anymore because random people can be so rude and it can get rather stressful and the adrenaline going too much (I have adrenal fatigue so that's not good lol).

One game I do really want to play co-op is Portal 2 as I've never been through that campaign and I love Portal. I'd prefer to go through it with someone who's never played before either, so we can work it out together rather than someone telling me what to do!

I don't have voice comms. Can anyone recommend me a headset that would also work with Skype (and also ideally a PS3)?

16-11-17, 08:57
Is this steam group still going? Enjoy the odd game or twelve but fairly casual.