View Full Version : Has anyone ever actually been diagnosed with what they thought...?

01-09-16, 13:50
Just curious - I searched 'Brain Tumour' in this forum and there was 952 threads started. Now that's just 2 little words, not including anything with headaches or other wording!

It's insane, because obviously those 952 people who started those threads can't possibly all have a Brain Tumour? :lac:

Gary A
01-09-16, 14:35
Just curious - I searched 'Brain Tumour' in this forum and there was 952 threads started. Now that's just 2 little words, not including anything with headaches or other wording!

It's insane, because obviously those 952 people who started those threads can't possibly all have a Brain Tumour? :lac:

I'll bet none of them do. Brain tumours are incredibly rare, 10,000 people annually are diagnosed with them in the UK. That sounds like a lot, but remember that only half of them are malignant, and also keep in mind that the UK's population is somewhere around 65 million.

01-09-16, 14:36
:yesyes:Good point!! I've never been diagnosed with. Any thing I thought I had!!! Apart from tonsillitis!!

01-09-16, 14:40
over the years i've thought i've had pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, bowel cancer, esophageal cancer, some kinda of gland problem, diabetes, kidney problems.. probably some others i've forgotten.

I had none of those.

Luckily i've always just about managed to nip it in the bud before i've got a full blown HA. I have enough anxieties already lol

01-09-16, 14:42
I have yet to be diagonsed with something I have been worried I thought I had with my symptoms, so far I am up to 200 types of cancer I have been worried about, including more worrying the types women can only get

I have had been to the GP a number of times, have been referred a few times to hospital to see specialists, last time was a safety thing as the GP was unsure whether he felt a lump or something less serious connected to where it would hurt if a man gets kicked with a football or in the region.

I have had scans and camera up my backside because I thought I had something serious going on in my body a few years ago (still think the doctors have given me the wrong results, but know by now it if I had something there I would be very ill or pushing up daises) mainly bowel, pancreatic, stomach, liver, kidney) all started when my Dad got his bowel screening kit in 2012 because of his age. I have bad habits everytime I do a poop I have a long look and take a photo of it, with the date and time stamped on the photo.

As for Brain tumours because of my condition I have without you worrying or googling the condition yourself I have brain scans once every few years as I got small increased risk of developing a tumour benign or maligent (sp)

01-09-16, 14:47
I was diagnosed with Clinically Intense Attractiveness.

It came as no surprise.

01-09-16, 14:59
I was diagnosed with Clinically Intense Attractiveness.

It came as no surprise.

I wouldn't have expected anything less! :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 14:54 ----------

God just on this forum alone I have thought I have had multiple cancers! And each and every single one I have really truely believed it was gonna be the one that ended me!

How dramatic eh! And I'm still here and never been diagnosed with anything... apart from Health Anxiety!

01-09-16, 15:05
I was diagnosed with Clinically Intense Attractiveness.

It came as no surprise.

You're in the CIA? :ohmy::D

Yes - I was diagnosed with anxiety! :winks: (but to be fair, I didn't know what that was back then! )

01-09-16, 15:08
After all the cancer worries I went through I was finally diagnosed with a very rare condition called being a pain in the backside along with the occurring symptom of oh he's back againinitis by my gp

Disclaimer: not the actual words of my gp :whistles:

01-09-16, 15:09
That's true, but few will be scared of having a cold; for example. Our minds jump to the extreme. I reckon that most of those who are diagnosed with something extreme won't be on the board posting, they'll be dealing with it and perhaps posting on a board specifically for their illness.

01-09-16, 15:20
So true Kuatir - when I have a cold I automatically think 'Why do I have this? Why is my immune system down that I've picked this bug up!'

What a drama queen! lol

01-09-16, 15:33
This subject has come up before.

In the time I've been here, I know of two people that realized their fear. Both dealt with it and are doing well. In fact, not only did they deal with it but their anxiety took a back seat and has stayed there.

Positive thoughts

01-09-16, 15:34
After all the cancer worries I went through I was finally diagnosed with a very rare condition called being a pain in the backside along with the occurring symptom of oh he's back againinitis by my gp

Disclaimer: not the actual words of my gp :whistles:

I am sure the GP must think about me sometimes, he is back again. I been quite good this year only going to the GP twice this year.

01-09-16, 15:35
A friend of mine had HA for years and years (she'd worry about either stomach cancer, heart problems or brain tumors mostly). And unfortunately she did eventually end up with something nasty (not cancer). When i saw her last she said she wishes she hadn't spent so long worrying.

Now she actually does have something that will kill her she's too ill to be anxious about it.

Makes my anxiety seem foolish but unfortunately it doesn't automatically go away.

01-09-16, 16:39
A friend of mine had HA for years and years (she'd worry about either stomach cancer, heart problems or brain tumors mostly). And unfortunately she did eventually end up with something nasty (not cancer). When i saw her last she said she wishes she hadn't spent so long worrying.

Now she actually does have something that will kill her she's too ill to be anxious about it.

Makes my anxiety seem foolish but unfortunately it doesn't automatically go away.

Your poor friend, that's so sad!

HA is just such a horrific feeling that sometimes, I actually think it'd be easier to be diagnosed with something thank worrying about the 'what if' :unsure:

01-09-16, 17:07
HA is just such a horrific feeling that sometimes, I actually think it'd be easier to be diagnosed with something thank worrying about the 'what if' :unsure:

I can absolutely assure you it's much easier to treat the worry than it would be to be diagnosed. Absolutely! You have no control when you have cancer or heart problems. You have every bit of control and decision making when it comes to treating your anxiety. I had no choice... you do!

Positive thoughts

01-09-16, 17:11
That's so true Fish! I'm hoping and praying that when my counselling sessions come through that they help me so much.

01-09-16, 17:25
Girls can any of you relate to if you think you have something you'll feel the pain? I'm convinced I've got like a cyst on ovaries causing pain or getting appendicitis all due to the fact I had a heavy period and was telling myself I bet its abnormal ovaries I bet it's spreading and suddenly that's finished at I've got these weird twinges.

bin tenn
01-09-16, 17:45
Heart concerns - recently spent a day in the hospital for AFib with RVR (first ever occurrence). Tests next week to rule out underlying heart conditions - most likely will be clear. Cardiologist suspects "lone afib" and that simple lifestyle changes will prevent future episodes. It was really scary at first, but I'm fine with it now.

01-09-16, 18:47
I fear being fobbed of by the GPs sometimes. I know I have NF which I was diagonsed with when I was five, but thanks to my auntie who is a nurse made sure she went with my parents to the gp with m.
no known cure and even my gps can only referred me to get lumps removed if needed and tested,

01-09-16, 21:22
Katyfitz - my body does that. Because hyper-aware of one area.

I've had a couple of worries come *true*.. one was an ectopic pregnancy... I was trying all the cbt stuff and telling myself the pain was anxiety... oh dear!

And when I first developed alopecia areata.

But all the times I've been worried I have some horrible terminal disease I've been wrong... and there are many of those!


01-09-16, 23:30
I wonder this too.... My doctor said it happens less than %1 of the time. That's why dr's probably don't rush us all into MRI's
My dad said he'd buy me a house if I ended up getting diagnosed with my current obsession

02-09-16, 08:43
Maybe I should ask my other half for a Chanel bag lol

02-09-16, 12:22
HA it taking weeks/months off my life I am hoping to find someone and maybe settle down with her, but at the moment I dont think that will happen

I keep going round in circles and if I could would book a GP appointment every day, I tried CBT in the past but it did not work, tried group sessions that was okay we had a fortnight payment for room cost, but just got too upsetting and depressing so me and my mum have not been back since October 2014.

I worry about every freckle and mark could be skin cancer, it not stopping worry I am scared of the big c, every sign I automatic thing it is the big c. My future girlfriend if I find one

04-09-16, 21:19
I'm the exact same to be honest. Anything and everything points to the big C and it scares me more than anything in the world!