View Full Version : Eye pressure, light sensitivity, muscle strain--one side?

01-09-16, 15:57
I have been having some annoying symptoms with my left eye and side of face for the past few months. It started a few months ago, and I had this intense pressure feeling in my left eye. I had to lay down and take a nap and then it went away the next morning. A few days later, I got it again. Laid down with a nap again and it went away. No pain at that time, just the pressure.

Since then, it has evolved into this kind of constant pressure in my left eye, around the eyebrow and to the side, and a soreness/pressure in my left cheekbone. My left eye will get watery a lot, and the vision will blur in that eye. The worst part for me is that this eye feels tense, like it has trouble moving. For example, if I look to the left, it feels like my eye's muscle is being strained and it gets sore. Looking up and down isn't as bad, but side to side is the worst. My right eye seems fine.

Now, I always try to attribute these things to the most benign possible ailments in an attempt to calm myself before I get a full blown freakout. I've tried to convince myself that it's a sinus infection, that it's TMJ-related, that it's from my posture (I slump over a lot because I work on a computer most of the time), etc. I've been to the eye doctor, who basically said that I'm too sensitive but he thinks it's sinus-related. I've had two rounds of antibiotics and a round of steroids from my doctor. I had a CT scan of my sinuses done, but my doctor's office is awful and I haven't been able to get the results. I actually am seeing a new doctor next week, so hopefully I'll at least know then what the CT scan said.

Basically, has anyone ever experienced issues like this? One side only, pressure and pain around the eye, eyebrow, cheekbone, temple? Light sensitivity in that eye, watery eye, hurts to look from side to side?

I just feel like I'm going crazy. I'll be fine, but then I start thinking about it and I get scared that no doctor will ever take me seriously and that I'll be stuck like this forever. A few years ago, I had an issue for a year where I couldn't swallow solid food and I literally laid in bed for months and months, and doctors wouldn't take that seriously. I guess that carried over because now I'm convinced and afraid that a doctor won't look into this further. The fact that my eye doctor said I'm "sensitive" kind of enhanced that.

Sorry for the essay. Anyone? :) :) :hugs:

01-09-16, 17:07
does the pressure feeling feels like something is behind the eye?? i've been there before i think its because i was on my phone for too long and basicallt my eyes are damaged but i think you'll be fine, just go to the eye speciailist and have a casual check up to rule out anything serious! im pretty sure its just sinus related. Is the blurry vision temporary?

01-09-16, 21:36
Thanks for the reply! It basically feels like as if something were pulling on my eye muscle, or like there's a swelling behind the eye. It's really weird. Almost like if your eye were really dry and felt bigger than it should be, if that makes sense. However, when I went to the eye dr, he said that my blepharitis is under control, I don't seem to be having dry eye issues, and my vision hasn't overall changed much from my last exam. He didn't dilate my eyes, but he did look in them with the light and such and he said the optic nerve looked fine.

The blurry vision.. it's hard to explain. I'll feel like the peripheral vision is a little off, and I'll also feel like I have to blink a few times before my vision is "normal" again. However, the feeling itself never goes away. The eye also gets more watery. It's weird. I'm going to see what my new doctor says on Tuesday, and then try to get in with an opthamologist since my last visit was with an optometrist. Maybe that'll make a difference! :)
Just really stressful. I try not to think about it and to stay occupied with other things, but then I get these waves of anxiety over it and extreme nervousness. I know that doesn't help anything, but it's so hard to make it go away. I get the headaches and stuff around that eye too so of course that makes it hard to forget. :wacko:

02-09-16, 02:34
I'm not alone!! Left eye only. Most days of the week. Going on 2.5 years. Worse in evening, not noticeable in the am just after waking, arrives without fail several hours into day. Started as weird tug like feeling with slight blurring of text when reading, mostly momentarily as eyes struggle to focus. Occasionally burning around eyebrow and side to the nose. Sometimes feels like hot poker being stuck into my eye but only at its worst. Fluorescent lights are pure torture. I get headaches too but they are mostly frontal eye aches with some pain at base of my head. Terrible posture, multiple concussions, crazy bad whiplash 15 years ago and massive anxiety muscle tension.

---------- Post added at 01:33 ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 ----------

Also have tmj like nobody's business. I chew through night guards...

---------- Post added at 01:34 ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 ----------

pinched nerve in neck or referred pain from tight trapezius muscle? Angry occipital nerve?

04-09-16, 03:40
I get this too ( in my left eye) I also have worse vision in this eye so I put it down to the muscles in the eye having to work harder. I went to an ophthalmologist and they looked behind my eye and said there was no pressure on the optic nerve even though I feel pressure there. So yours could be muscular too.

23-11-16, 14:52
I have been having some annoying symptoms with my left eye and side of face for the past few months. It started a few months ago, and I had this intense pressure feeling in my left eye. I had to lay down and take a nap and then it went away the next morning. A few days later, I got it again. Laid down with a nap again and it went away. No pain at that time, just the pressure.

Since then, it has evolved into this kind of constant pressure in my left eye, around the eyebrow and to the side, and a soreness/pressure in my left cheekbone. My left eye will get watery a lot, and the vision will blur in that eye. The worst part for me is that this eye feels tense, like it has trouble moving. For example, if I look to the left, it feels like my eye's muscle is being strained and it gets sore. Looking up and down isn't as bad, but side to side is the worst. My right eye seems fine.

Now, I always try to attribute these things to the most benign possible ailments in an attempt to calm myself before I get a full blown freakout. I've tried to convince myself that it's a sinus infection, that it's TMJ-related, that it's from my posture (I slump over a lot because I work on a computer most of the time), etc. I've been to the eye doctor, who basically said that I'm too sensitive but he thinks it's sinus-related. I've had two rounds of antibiotics and a round of steroids from my doctor. I had a CT scan of my sinuses done, but my doctor's office is awful and I haven't been able to get the results. I actually am seeing a new doctor next week, so hopefully I'll at least know then what the CT scan said.

Basically, has anyone ever experienced issues like this? One side only, pressure and pain around the eye, eyebrow, cheekbone, temple? Light sensitivity in that eye, watery eye, hurts to look from side to side?

I just feel like I'm going crazy. I'll be fine, but then I start thinking about it and I get scared that no doctor will ever take me seriously and that I'll be stuck like this forever. A few years ago, I had an issue for a year where I couldn't swallow solid food and I literally laid in bed for months and months, and doctors wouldn't take that seriously. I guess that carried over because now I'm convinced and afraid that a doctor won't look into this further. The fact that my eye doctor said I'm "sensitive" kind of enhanced that.

Sorry for the essay. Anyone? :) :) :hugs:

I could actually have written your post! I can't believe I have found someone who has this. Are you still having issues?

I first noticed mine in June time. My left eye felt tired all the time and sensitive to light.

Now it has progressed to finding it difficult to focus at times. Extreme light sensitivity particularly when in a supermarket and looking at the shelves. Feed even worse when I'm scanning the shelves or inside my fridge for example. I have the strained feeling over the eyebrow which can lead to a headache. When I've been to sleep and rested it's absolutely fine then starts up again.

I have had my eyes tested and all normal. I did however have an issue with. T visual field test which freaked me out and I rushed to a&e. I got a brain MRI the other week and results were normal.i saw a neurologist this weekend and he did various test and all normal. I am waiting to see an opthamologist but have. Even told the wait is 12 weeks.

I am terrified and going from a missed brain tumour to sinus cancer, to nerve damage. I also sufffer terrible congestion in ear and post nasal drip always have. It's the not knowing x