View Full Version : None of the gps/doctors are prescribing diazepam/xanax

01-09-16, 18:54
Hi everyone I'm new here I'd like to rant a little cause I'm frustrated with these stupid doctors/gps. I'll introduce my self I'm 30 years old I have clinical depression,social anxiety disorder,General anxiety disorder,social phobia,insomnia. I'm socially akward,nervous,uptight nearly every day. A few years ago I asked for diazepam my doctor gave it to me without any hassle he started me on a high dose: 4mg 4 times a day ( but I was prescribed the liquid form/syrup not the tablets/pills). I was living in Dunstable,Bedfordshire ( I live in the UK), Now I live in Manchester & even though I gave them all my previous medical records from Dunstable they refuse to prescribe diazepam or xanax. The main gp then accepted to prescribe diazepam to me but a much lower dose 2mg twice a day!! So i was taking like 15mg of diazepam a day in dunstable & now this gp prescribes 4mg of diazepam a day which is way too low no wonder it's not working so I changed gp surgery( I registered with another surgery) I asked for diazepam he tells me he asked the main gp & they dont prescibe diazepam which was bullshit cause a local doctor from the same surgery then prescribed diazepam 2mg 3 times a day ( which btw is still not enough considering I was talking 4mg 4 times a day in dunstable). So I've been trying to register with other surgeries but on their registration forms it mentions about benzos being harmful blablabla I've seen doctors from other gp surgeries are they're refusing to prescribe diazepam or xanax even though one of the local doctors prescribed 0.5mg of Xanax twice a day so they have the list of medications I was talking at my previous gp surgery yet they still refuse to renew my prescription ( one doctor has actually tried to wean me off these meds).
I know lots of people who are talking high doses like 3mg of Xanax a day or 30mg of Diazepam when they probably dont even have any severe anxiety or social anxiety like I have which makes me mad. I can't interact socially & function socailly without daiazepam/xanax cause it's the only med that helps me loosen up,makes me calm & relaxes my muscles. Without diazepam/xanax I'm a nervous wreck. I've tried so many anti depressents & beta blockers like:Sertraline,Citalopram,Propanalol,Effexor none of them worked. Only Diazepam/xanax in combination with Mirtazapine works it makes me sedated it's such a good feeling so I dont understand why doctors want me to stop taking a medication that is working??
I"m thinking about moving back to Dunstable or London I'm sure overthere benzos are commonly prescribed at higher doses too.
If the doctors here in Manchester dont want to prescribe any tranquilsers, I'll start drinking maybe every day I dont care if I become an alcoholic. Alcohol OR Diazepam/xanax are the only things that help me loosen up. Sorry for the rant but the doctors overhere suck so much. I wish I was in the USA at least overthere the doctors prescribe diazepam/xanax without any hassle

03-09-16, 11:35
Sad to say your wording makes it sound slightly like you are using them to zonk you out, not to relieve your anxiety symptoms, because you are chasing the prescription from one surgery to another will also ring alarm bells with GPs . you need to except the fact that if they have decided to give you 2mg then ask for a anti anxiety drug they are willing to prescribe, I can't recommend one as I have never taken one as to scared too.
Also ask to be referred for CBT and maybe join a relaxation class.
Don't mean to sound harsh but if you need so many a day to function taking alcohol will just be another crutch and will definitely not help your anxiety or depression.