View Full Version : Health anxiety back, two weeks before my wedding :(

01-09-16, 19:38

I havent posted for a while (cause things have been going much better and my health anxiety had pretty much disappeared)

I get married in 2 weeks and conveniently my health anxiety has reared its ugly head :(

Last week, I started noticing a nagging pain under my ribs on the right hand side. I did have a fall about 4 or 5 days before I noticed the rib pain, but I dont remember knocking my ribs when I fell.

I am worried it is my liver or gallbladder or even shingles cause the area is a bit itchy. To top it off I am having an endometriosis flare up.

I saw a nurse at the walk-in centre on Tuesday who said I'd probably bruised my ribs but yesterday my pee was burning and my tummy felt sore so I went back. Saw a different nurse who tested my pee and said it was clear (no infection) but I was a bit dehydrated.

I told her I am worried about it being my liver or gallbladder so she examined my tummy and said there wasn't any tenderness round those organs.

I have been drinking a lot lately and I also suffer with acid reflux. I told her this and she said it could be gastritis that is causing the pain (even though the tummy is on the left, she said pain can be felt on the right)

Anyway I am worrying now about allsorts cause the pain us worse when I bend or cough and I am paranoid its a cancerous tumour or my liver or a stomach ulcer.

Got an appointment to see my GP tomorrow and I am so eorried. I am scared they will refer me for blood tests or scans or an endoscopy :(

So annoyed this is all going on right before my wedding!!!!

01-09-16, 19:48
I have been drinking a lot lately and I also suffer with acid reflux.

Congrats of the wedding! Getting married certainly has it's own set of stressors to deal with and add your underlying anxiety, it does add up.

Concerning the quoted part? Acid reflux + alcohol + anxiety is not a good combination of ingredients to be mixing. Perhaps laying off the sauce would be in order?

Positive thoughts

01-09-16, 21:15
Hi snowflake,

Sometimes HA can hit us when we are least expecting it, when things are going well. You have done the right thing by seeing the dr, but the most likely explanation is that you've knocked your ribs. Don't Google, focus on your wedding, trust your dr and have a wonderful day. Xxx

02-09-16, 10:47
Thanks for the replies.

I haven't had a drink now since Sunday and I feel MUCH better for it. I know I can't drink at the moment cause of my stomach being sore, but I don't actually 'want' to drink if that makes sense? I know it will make my anxiety loads worse and also it makes my face puffy and I don't want that on my wedding day!

My stomach is in knots, but I think a lot of it is nerves... nerves and chronic constipation :( sorry if this is TMI but I get it so bad and it is really painful sometimes. Do you think that could be causing the rib pain? I am taking x2 Movicol sachets a day and it is helping.

Off to see my GP tonight. Going to ask them about alcohol counselling and see if I can get an appointment with the gynae about my endometriosis.

Really praying I don't have to have any blood tests of scans, but if I do I will just have to be brave about it I guess!

02-09-16, 19:33
Hi hun, hope you're feeling better, we've had a few chats in the past about alcohol and how it's our nemesis at times. I've known you to abstain though for a while.
Its fairly common for anxieties to rise before a big event (for me it was holidays), all the panic would come out in my HA.
Hope GP appointment went well, xxx

02-09-16, 21:53
Hope you're feeling better and got on fine at the doctor. Organising a wedding is very stressful and, just as Traceypo says, it's natural for that to manifest itself as HA. I also find I have way more stomach/bowel issues if I've been drinking a lot so it's probably a good idea to stay off it for the time being.

I hope you're able to relax a bit and have a wonderful wedding.