View Full Version : first operation - general anaesthetic reassurance please

01-09-16, 20:59
Hi folks

Im having my first operation next week, a tonsillectomy.
I've never had an operation before, I get very panicky, I hate feeling out of control and I'm also emetophobic (fear of vomiting).

I want to know whats its like, genuinely, to 'go under'?
I have no problem with needles. I just don't want a panic attack just before the GA.
Will I feel like i'm fainting? That scares me.

I dont think I want any sedation because that might freak me out even more so - feeling 'out of it' before I'm really out of it!



01-09-16, 22:07
I've had three operations - ears when I was little, appendix out when I was a teenager and major back surgery 3 years ago. I was absolutely terrified the last time, but it was not as bad as I thought. I remember feeling normal (but extremely anxious), and then it was just like falling asleep in a drunken way. Next thing I knew I was waking up! Nowhere as bad as I had imagined. I told the nurses etc that I was extremely nervous and that I have an anxiety disorder, so they reassured me and explained everything, which really helped.

02-09-16, 08:58
Carrie, no-one hates hospitals more than me!
Well, they probably do, but I definitely have the 'white-coat' syndrome.

I've had anaesthetic twice and it is so quick, painless and just like dropping off in to a lovey doze. The next thing you know, is being woken up with a cup of tea and a biscuit. At that time I did not even mention my fear, but you can tell them that you get anxious and panicky and a nurse will soothe your worries. x

02-09-16, 09:12
I've had surgery twice on my nose and then on nose and wisdom teeth at the same time. Silly me broke my nose and even after two surgeries it doesn't work properly!

Anyway, I remember the first time I was so anxious the sedation they give you pre op didn't even work. The other lady in the room was snoring her head off and I was bouncing off the walls!

BUT the anaesthesia is a scary idea but in reality it's so quick, you're out for the count. Literally as they ask you to count backwards and you may only get about three numbers out. I don't remember feeling any transition like feeling dizzy or anything. I was just awake and then I wasn't.

It's a bit strange waking up in another place, the recovery room, but I remember just feeling a bit sleepy and stoned and not at all bothered.

02-09-16, 11:51
Thanks for your replies.

Carnation I also have white coat syndrome, and hate all the wires and bits of machinery you see in hospitals, especially around the beds, brings me out in a cold sweat!

I hope I go out quickly, and come around without too many issues like being sick or feeling weird.
I know a lot of people like that fuzzy feeling but I don't, I like knowing what is going on.

I guess I hope I can breathe ok afterwards too, because obviously my throat will be traumatised from having my tonsils removed.

Ohhhhh I just want it over with quickly!

02-09-16, 13:14
The only time when had general when I was eight when I had a few teeth taken out, dentist knew I will never will carry 32 adult teeth, I was out like a light after a couple of seconds and could go home after I came round and okay on my feet.