View Full Version : Sorry, just needed to get it off my chest.

25-03-07, 09:17
Sorry I need to have a moan. I had been doing so well, looking forward to seeing a cbt therapist in 2 weeks. Then we were out in the car driving with the window open and we could smell petrol really strong. So we asked my mechanic brother in law to check it over, he couldnt find anything leaking. We having smelled it since, maybe the petrol cap wasnt tight enough.
So of course when we got home my mind started wandering - what if there is a leak that he didnt spot, how will i get to work with no car, what if its dangerous, what if the smell comes back, what if, what if, what if!!!!!
I got quite down about it. Then my husband asked what was wrong (he says I never tell him whats troubling me), so I told him. Well he flew off the handle - 'your pathetic, you worry about everything bla bla bla'.
So i stropped off up to bed crying then didnt sleep a wink last night had palpitations all night and when I did get off- anxiety dreams. I thought he would be supportive, all I wanted was someone to say it was ok and make me feel better.
So now I feel pretty rubbish. Just wanted to get it off my chest. He'd better apologise when he gets home from work tonight.

25-03-07, 09:33
Instead of just thinking "what if" try thinking each anxious thought through to it's logical conclusion.

So, if you think "How will I get to work if the car is out of action?" then think of what you would actually do if this happened ie I would catch the bus, get a taxi, walk etc.

Hope you understand what I'm getting at!

This is how my counsellor has told me to deal with anxious thoughts rather than just thinking "something bad might happen".


25-03-07, 09:43
Thanks for that Kate, I really do try to think of what to do if the 'what if' happened, getting to work would be a real problem this week, I have to take the kids over to their grandmas before I go to work you see.
The problem with me is that I think through to a logical conclusion but five minutes later I'm worrying about it again, its like theres a little man in my head saying 'dont forget to worry' then the other little man says 'stop it dont forget about the logical conclusion'
Sounds daft I know but its the only way I can describe it. Just as I thought I'd stopped worrying something 'up there' starts it all over again. If I could just get my hands on that little man I'd ....:)

25-03-07, 09:55
Yes, I know just what you mean! :blush:


25-03-07, 13:43

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-03-07, 13:49
Hi Debbsi

Sorry your husband wasn't sympathetic.


I hope today is better for you.

Karen xx

25-03-07, 14:35
Hi Debbsi,

I do sympathise with you as I had a similar incident last year in my partner's car. It was ok whilst going along but when we stopped the smell of petrol was really strong. I got really concerned and felt unsafe as it was, but then we got stuck in a queue on the motorway where there had been an accident up ahead. Nightmare!

Luckily for me, my partner was rather more accommodating than yours and he wasn't happy about the smell either.

So your initial reaction is pretty normal I'd say. If you smell it again or have any doubts at all, take it to the garage for a proper check to set your mind at rest.

Eeb x

25-03-07, 17:43
Thanks everyone, Eeb - I took it to my brother-in-law again he took it out for a run but he couldnt smell it. Maybe i'm imagining it. Anyway he checked it over again-no leak, could be a filter but nothing to worry about. He is much more sympathetic than my husband, he knows what i'm like, he told me not to worry it was nothing serious. So I feel a bit better now, I'm going to have to stamp out this fear of breaking down, i need to drive everyday to work.

25-03-07, 18:31
I would have been exactly the same.
Big Hugs:hugs: :hugs:

25-03-07, 18:50
Thanks Ellen, wish my husband could understand that i'm not going mad and that i'm not the only one like that. All I wanted was a hug and some comfort. Never mind at least I've got you lot. I knew you'd all understand.
Thanks again everyone, your sooo nice!!!

25-03-07, 19:05
Well I've just picked him up from work he apologised as soon as he got in the car. Maybe he's not so bad afterall!!

25-03-07, 19:10
"its like theres a little man in my head saying 'dont forget to worry' then the other little man says 'stop it dont forget about the logical conclusion"

I know just what you mean, thats a great way of expressing it.

If only we could shut them up! :)

24-10-07, 03:12
It would be nice to hear from you.
Here is "hug" for you