View Full Version : Dull pain near belly button

02-09-16, 02:10
Since last week my stomach has been bothering me. My husbands was too, so we think we had a stomach bug. Now I have a slight nagging pain around my belly button. Sometimes a little to the right, sometimes above it. This has been going on since last night. Any idea what it could be? I don't think it's appendicitis, but that's what dr. Google thinks it is! I don't really have the money to see the dr but I'm getting worried

02-09-16, 08:28
It is true that the pain in appendicitis usually starts near the belly button but it moves fairly quickly (in several hours) toward the lower right abdomen. The pain is usually quite severe and often associated with nausea. It's also unlikely both of you would get appendicitis at the same time.

It's possible you both have eaten something wrong - this usually resolves on its own.

02-09-16, 21:02
I recently had an appendicits surgery and the interesting thing was that mine was placed deeper unlike most people so the pain didn't feel that bad and I couldn't really find the exact place where I felt it, until it burst and I had to have it removed.
In your case, if your body temperature is fine and you're feeling ok, then I doubt it is appendicitis but you can check it out at the doctor.
Your doctor should take a blood test and an xray to determine that.

03-09-16, 15:47
Thanks for the responses. The pain actually went away. Feeling much better!

03-09-16, 16:05
ive got a pain near my belly button now too lol.

a Bupa doctor i saw for a health check once told me there some valve in the stomach near there where the small intestine turns into the large one which tends to get cramped up in anxious people. very common apparently.

doesn't do anything (other than hurt a bit and give you a bit of wind maybe)

03-09-16, 21:06
Skymaid that's interesting. The pain came back today sadly. Still no fever and not severe pain. I just wish it would go away. Maybe I'll go to the dr on Tuesday if it's still painful.