View Full Version : freaking out mom

02-09-16, 04:58
Hi, I am currently dealing with a 5 year old that is developing allergies to fruits. (She gets hives on her face.). I am afraid it is going to turn anaphylactic. I brought her to the pediatrician, and we will get a referral to an allergist, but it will take months to get an appointment!!!

My 9 year old has a lump on her wrist. I am worried it is some awful kind of cancer. We had an x-ray and that came back normal. They are now sending her for an ultra sound. It has been three weeks since I found out about this lump, and the anxiety of the situation is driving me to a nervous breakdown. It is on a wrist that takes a lot of strain from gymnastics, and I keep telling myself it is a ganglion cyst (it isn't cancer until they say it is, I keep telling myself). Again, I have no idea when we will get an appointment for this ultrasound. I am so worried about the lump, and the strain of having things go on for weeks with no answers is making me ill.

I cannot deal with google right now. I started looking up different sarcomas and was ready to die.

02-09-16, 14:56
First, breathe. Second I'm sure both kids will be fine. Kids get lumps and bumps all the time. It could be just an abcess that needs to be drained. My daughter is allergic to tree nuts and that was a huge adjustment for my entire family. But once you settle into a groove it will get easier. I hardly check labels now unless it's a new product. My grocery list is almost the same every time because I know what I always get it safe for her. Call the allergist periodically and see if there are any canceled appointments you can take. Try to relax because they will both be fine!

03-09-16, 01:04
I dont have any experience with allergies, but if its going to take months to get an appointment, then if it was me I would stick with what you know is going to be ok for her for now. As for the lump, before I even finished reading it, the first thing that popped into my head was ganglion. I mean if it is on the wrist where she takes all the strain then something is bound to give. I know its a really stressful time for you cos when its your kids you just seem to lose all sanity, (well I know I do!), but please try and calm down and think rationally. Appointments will be here before you know it, and dont let the kids see you panic cos it will make them start to panic and thats not good. I remember a few months ago, my son got a fright when he saw a look on my face (which was a reaction to something he showed me), and he promptly said "I feel sick" and threw up everywwhere. I felt awful x