View Full Version : having a relapse worried about u,o cancer

02-09-16, 10:31
Hi all I havnt been on here in a while as I've been doing really well however I'm feeling I'm getting abit worried again regarding my periods.i used to have heavy periods before my major anxiety issues then as u will notice es over the last year or so if u read my posts I started to miss some and them be very light.and now weather its because im less anxious I dunno but there bk to heavy again and I'm thinking all sorts uterine cancer ovary cancer the usual.i had an ultrasound in march last year but I've heard there not as accurate as an internal one so I want to request one of those ��.had a clear smear in march also anyone one experienced the same ? .

02-09-16, 10:34
My periods become lighter last year and when I mentioned it to the doctors (I really hate change in my body) he said "Most women would be happy with that" haha, so that in itself isn't an issue. Missing periods can have a wide range of causes including stress etc.

02-09-16, 10:49
Its not the missing periods or the lightness that I'm worried about its going bk to being heavy.weather the meds are making me relax and my periods are bk to normal I dunno but that's what I'm concerned about

02-09-16, 11:12
How old are you? Fluctuations are extremely common in people my age so I've been told (I'm 27).

Perhaps your light spell was just due to stress and like you mentioned with the meds making you calmer maybe you've just gone back to your own 'norm'.

02-09-16, 11:14
Mine do vary and change in how heavy they are, definitely normal x

02-09-16, 11:14
I'm 30

02-09-16, 11:20
I'm 30 next year. I've notice a lot more changes since having kids and my smear was clear too and ultrasounds done while pregnant. We all have relapses and blips but I think it sounds really normal. Feel better x

02-09-16, 19:29
Hi Beckie, really pleased at how well you've done, can't help with the periods (I'm one of the lucky ones who doesn't have them on the mini pill).
Think about what helped you make all that progress, what stopped your thoughts getting out of control and try to use these skills to be rational about your concerns.

02-09-16, 22:26
Just because they started to be heavy again �� not overly but almost like the used to be in suprised others havnt responded bit worried people haven't experienced it

03-09-16, 07:03
You answered your own question. Anxiety reduced your periods now they have returned to normal. Your body is not a machine, things change.

03-09-16, 08:27
Please don't start focusing on responses or lack of responses, many on here are men or older females.
Rationalise this worry, you've had tests done that were clear, the smear screening is set at 3 years as that's what they believe is a safe time to re-screen women. You used to be very scared and worried about this but all tests came back negative.
Our bodies change for many different reasons, stress and anxiety takes it toll on it too.