View Full Version : Used weed killer. May have breathed in some spray. So scared

Nighttime pacer
02-09-16, 16:10
Hi all
I used resolva ultra today. I wore gloves and had made sure I was standing away. There was some slight breeze so I tried to make sure the breeze was behind me but at one point I sprayed it and I think a little bit came back towards me and I could smell it then it felt like I could taste it. I may be overreacting but I'm so scared I've done myself some damage with it. It contains glyphosate which I've read is really dangerous though on the weed killer it says you can use gloves but it's not neccesary. I hope I'm overreacting.
Thanks all, Nighttime pacer

02-09-16, 16:42
Yeah, you're definitely overreacting. It's not like you sprayed it directly into your face.

Positive thoughts

Captain irrational
02-09-16, 19:04
Hi all
I used resolva ultra today. I wore gloves and had made sure I was standing away. There was some slight breeze so I tried to make sure the breeze was behind me but at one point I sprayed it and I think a little bit came back towards me and I could smell it then it felt like I could taste it. I may be overreacting but I'm so scared I've done myself some damage with it. It contains glyphosate which I've read is really dangerous though on the weed killer it says you can use gloves but it's not neccesary. I hope I'm overreacting.
Thanks all, Nighttime pacer

Is that it? I once manage to spill half a bottle of concetrated glyphosate all down my arm. I'm still alive.

The danger from pesticides comes from repeat exposure over many years. Getting a tiny bit of mist in your face once, won't do you any harm.

02-09-16, 19:21
If you think logically, if it was dangerous to that degree it wouldn't be available to buy for home use! You'll be fine.

02-09-16, 21:59
You'll be fine, as axolotl said they wouldn't let you buy it if it was that dangerous.

However, I totally understand the fear. I've had similar worries about things like accidentally eating plastic, inhaling chemicals etc. Those overreactions and (sometimes ridiculous) worries always came when my general anxiety was extremely high and my brain was casting around for anything to justify feeling so afraid. I hope you're able to get these thoughts under control.

Nighttime pacer
03-09-16, 00:38
Hi all
Thanks for the replies. I really do love this forum. I realise I've overreacted and I think I've got my feelings under control now. With health anxiety it does sometimes feel like there's permanently some embers gently smouldering just waiting for a spark of something to set them ablaze. This is the first blip I've had for months though so I must be improving.
Once again thanks everyone.
Nighttime pacer

03-09-16, 01:19
its easily done don`t beat yourself up, I`m about 90% recovered I`d say but I ate slightly undercooked chicken only last week and had those racing thoughts `what if it`s dangerous` `you should have cooked it longer` `it could happen to you`.... and all those thoughts come rushing in in about 5 seconds

but to echo everyone else on this you are going to be fine, your body is incredibly clever and anything affecting your lungs or nasal passages would quickly be dealt with

take care and see this for the minor blip or bump in the road that it is, nothing major and you`re going to be fine

03-09-16, 03:48
You're overeacting completely. Sure, if you'd drunk a bottle of weedkiller I'd suggest you were f**ked. But a bit of spray isn't an issue whatsoever. You'll be fine. Don't find things to fret over, when deep down you know it's not going to hurt you.
