View Full Version : Panic attack or low blood sugar

Pretty kittay
02-09-16, 20:24
So every so often I will wake up with a panic attack fast heart rate Palpatations shaking lasts about 8-15 friends how quick I can get it under control. Now last night I woke up was sweaty and a fast heart rate got up felt really short of breath and drank some oj in about two-three min heart rate slowed dramatically so I'm wondering if it was the low blood sugar. In the day at like 740am I are oatmeal a bannana for lunch just sardines and a granola bar two waters and dinner 1 slice a pizza at 630pm woke up at like 105am and then it started. Any ideas???

03-09-16, 11:13
Could be, but get nurse a DR's to check it, could also just be a good old fashioned panic attack, you can get them on waking the same as any time through the day, I think there pretty common, sometimes as well once we have had one in a certain circumstances we can become fixated so that every time we are in that place, could be shop, traffic jam etc so just lay quite and let it pass, drink some water but not chilled and better off to not be fizzy drinks.

Pretty kittay
04-09-16, 05:07
Thank you

11-09-16, 16:59
Yip. Stopping at a red light when I'm cycling has become my latest trigger for a panic attack. Totally ridiculous as I've been cycling for years in the city. Won't let it stop me and eventually I know it'll pass.

If you don't give any respect to your panic attacks they fade away into the background. Easier said than done though x