View Full Version : Breathing difficulties?

03-09-16, 02:42
About a week ago, I was in bed and I noticed suddenly I was finding it difficult to breathe. Not so much that I couldn't breathe at all but it was like a weight in my chest and I was finding it hard to get air in and I was having to do a hugely deep breath intake to kind of relieve it. I worried about it but talked myself out of it because I figured panicking would make it worse. I got to sleep eventually and was fine in the morning.

However it's happening again this evening. I was watching tv on the couch when it came on again suddenly. I've found myself have to breathe in very deeply in order to relieve the weighted feeling in my chest. It's like my normal, shallow breaths aren't getting enough air in. I know this kind of things happen when you have a panic attack (been there!) but I wasn't panicking either time it's happened except for after it has started.

As usual I've convinced myself I have lung cancer or I'm about to have a heart attack. I'm not in pain and I don't feel ill in any way. I tried googling but of course that never helps and now I can add ALS to the list of things it could be.

Anyone experienced this before? What did it turn out to be? Any help would be appreciated so I don't fully convince myself that if I go to sleep tonight I won't wake up again...

03-09-16, 03:45
If you were struggling to breathe or not getting enough oxygen you would've passed out. but you didn't. As such it's just the mind/body connection. Your mind is stressed, as such you're stressing out your body and creating symptoms and muscle tension.
