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03-09-16, 03:40
I think I heard a clicking sound. But I don't if came from my head or my mouth or if I just imagined the whole thing.

03-09-16, 03:44
It's just the Eustachian Tube. Nothing to worry about. No harm will come of it. Many people hear it when they swallow when drinking or eating. Other people, such as myself can make the clicking noise on command. If comes from tubes in the ear and is nothing to be afraid of.


03-09-16, 03:54
Oh, that's good to know. I was on the phone when it happened. I had my mouth opened and I was getting ready to speak when I heard the clicking noise. Afterwards, I kept checking my chair and desk to see if it would make a similar sound but it didn't. I'm so tired of worrying.

03-09-16, 23:11
Yeah it's just a tube in your inner ear equalising pressure. You can replicate the click sometimes by yawning.

03-09-16, 23:13
Could it have been your jaw clicking? I've got a clicky jaw and have been told I have TMD. When I eat things such as baguettes I sound like I need oiling!

04-09-16, 06:19
I'm glad someone made this thread I have the same thing except mine has been pretty much constant. Mine is a crackling sensation in my right ear. I went to the ENT and they said its my euschatian tubes and nasal spray and sudafed would help. This was 3 months and still hopeless. It's not painful just extremely annoying and I get tension headaches a lot on that side I notice too. My jaw does pop and I think I clench my teeth without even realizing so that could be a cause but I don't know what else to do it won't go away, the ENT gave me a nasal endoscopy and didn't point out anything in particular about my sinuses and said my ear drum looks fine so not sure why mine is pretty much all the time.